Today I went to town and had tea with a friend whom I only see once a year or so. We met at a marvelous little café that I have loved for years. Once upon a time I lived right around the corner.
We had very tasty breakfast there with huge bowls of fresh fruit and yoghurt (not pictured; I usually forget to take pictures of food until it’s too late). But look at the nice Chinese tea sets.
This is what I looked at, and the following is a look at the weather:
(My friend isn’t a blogger so she was a bit surprised by me pulling out the camera. I only said, “I’m taking a picture a day at the moment.” and when I took the one through the window she said, “What are you taking a picture of?” “The rain.” I replied.)
It was a real treat to meet a friend and chat for hours, and afterwards I went and bought five different kinds of licorice. What could be better?