Since I turned the lights out after midnight and woke up from my usual alarm I was very tired all day. I also skipped the morning routine because, well, I didn’t feel like it. I read instead.
We had breakfast, my husband built a fire, I did the usual morning things and then we waited for furnace guy. And waited. And waited.
I did manage to open the manuscript and proofread for half an hour but that was it. He had said he’d be here around 10. When it was past 12 I called to ask if he was still planning to come. „15 minutes, that okay with you?”
So my guess is he was still in his shop at that point and the 15 minutes were the time he needed to get to our house.
Now, it’s not all his fault, I mean he had left a message at 6 the day before saying if we didn’t here from him he’d be at our house at 10 but that he might come at 8, depending on a phone call he was still waiting for.
Since I’m me I a) didn’t want to use the phone at all, b) did not want to disturb a hard-working man after 8.30 when I finally got the message and c) thought he’d just show up because that was what he had said. In hindsight he probably had expected me to call him anyway. Which I didn’t.
With perfect timing he showed up right when we were starting to eat lunch. He spent an hour in the basement, changing a part and doing maintenance. The bill was – interestingly high. It seems the price for parts have skyrocketed.
Oh, and I helped making lunch for once and finally had an opportunity to try out my shiny new knife:
The knife is fabulous and very, very sharp. Lunch was very Bavarian:
Then I had a short break before teaching. I taught many, many students until 7. I had planned to use my break between two students to do mobility training but felt too exhausted and ate some almonds instead. Throughout the whole day time felt both extremely slow and went by very fast. I had a hard time keeping track of time even when teaching which is unusual.
I ate dinner, I fell into a social media hole and started writing this post around 9. Did the dishes, took a shower, watched som C-drama and went to bed.
I totally forgot to make an important call during business hours. I might try again tomorrow. Today will be another slightly insane day but at least there won’t be as many students.
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