Since I’m really pressed for time today I’ll just repost here what I wrote over on Ravelry this morning. Sorry, no pretty pictures and no report of yesterday. I was all tired all day yesterday, didn’t really get anything done and barely managed to go to bed at 11.
Yesterday I ended up being cold all day up to the point that I was regretting wearing a sweatshirt instead of a wool cardigan. That was probably due to the lack of sleep more than the weather, though.
So yesterday was basically a wash, I was way too tired and didn’t get anything done apart from teaching, dishes and laundry. And Chinese. So, you know, nothing.
Today will be super busy. I want to do revision and blog, then take the train to the next town over to renew a prescription and make a doctor’s appointment, go to two health food stores and the pharmacy and be back in time for an early lunch before doing all the teaching. My original plan was to also renew another prescription and make an appointment with my GP but I have decided against it because it would be too much and I can do that on Thursday before the supermarket run. Also, I don’t really need to go and ask if the flu vaccine for under-60yos is in, I can just see if the boy gets the flu shot along with the covid booster today.
And tomorrow won’t be any better, this week is crazy again. As husband was complaining about the fact last night I started wondering if that is what life is right now? OTOH my life has basically always felt like this, so I don’t know. Husband is in deep overwhelm which is understandable because he has to get the garden ready for winter on top of all the other things.
I guess I need to have a talk with the boy. But right now he is mostly exhausted from his exams. The new semester starts on Monday, btw.
I am eagerly waiting for my yarn from the UK but who knows when that will come. Having a stack of unfinished blanket squares does not feel quite as satisfying as having the first row almost done would do but it is what it is.
The rest of the leftover yarn and the ball winder are still in my studio which led to me demonstrating the ball winder and talking about yarn management with a couple of students. Always interesting to see which students ask about these type of things and which don’t. There was none who already knew what the ball winder was AFAIK.
I hope you all have a joyful Tuesday ahead where you make the progress you want, see you.
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