Dumb, I know.
So I went to bed around midnight, didn’t get enough sleep and got up too late to do my usual morning things. And then I sat on the kitchen bench in my pajamas browsing Twitter for 45 minutes with bare feet. Yep. Dumb.
I did go on my run/walk, though and that was delightful:
The weather was gorgeous and I didn’t meet a lot of people.
M husband made lunch while I showered:
He wasn’t feeling all that good and barely ate. Seems the eggplant from the day before didn’t agree with him.
I spent most of the afternoon watching instructive YouTube videos and another video coaching thing. Which was helpful but not as productive as writing would have been. But lack of sleep, see above.
The boy and I watched the first episode of the second season of ‚Torchwood‘. It’s one of my favorite episodes with James Marsters. I finally did the dishes, watched another episode of ‚Find Yourself‘, managed to stop after one for a change and got ready for bed.
Today there will be a short train ride to the next town over. I will get several prescriptions renewed and visit the health food store there before coming back. I will teach one student in the afternoon and am hoping that I’ll have something to show for all my time at the end of the day.
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