I don’t have much time today so I’ll just write a few words.
Yesterday was a little better in terms of productivity. No writing but after my run to the health food store and the bakery I did spend some time looking at pictures for book covers and trying a spell and grammar checking software. I learned something about commas and chose to ignore the rules anyway. I also made two polls at Patreon and on Ravelry so that the people interested in attending a Handgemacht-Podcast virtual knitting meeting can tell me which of the two dates would work better for them.
My husband made feijoada for lunch:
I taught quite a few students, had dinner and decided to just let the dishes sit because I was way to tired. There were quite a few emails from students who needed video lessons because they are having colds or need to isolate.
Today there will be the running and even more teaching than yesterday.
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