I did wake up from the alarm but decided that I didn’t need to push myself to do anything. Basically I have declared myself sick for the time being in the hopes that I will get back to normal faster that way.
I made breakfast and talked with my husband and knitted. I still elevated the leg with the pulled muscle and iced it. This was the second day I had an inexplicable wet stain on the back of my leggings in the morning. Only yesterday it wasn’t inexplicable anymore because there was also a puddle of blue goo on the chair I had used to rest my leg on. The cooling pack was leaking.
That together with the fact that the elastic bandages I’m using have lost most of the elasticity over the past twenty years led me to order replacements.
I did the dishes and then set off to hobble to the health food store. I was rather happy that I could walk without much pain but less happy that I had to walk so slowly. Trying not to stretch you calf muscles while walking leads to an odd kind of shuffle with very small steps. I always find it strange when just one part of the body is affected. The rest of me is all ready to run and jump but one of the muscles in my calf puts in a veto. And then the rest of me says, „Well, can’t you really not go any faster? This is no fun. Are we there yet?”
But I faked patience and listend to a podcast on the way and went to the bakery and the health food store and brought back everything we needed. Good thing I didn’t need much heavy stuff. I had thought about using the bike because it would be easier than the hobbling but then I realized that I always use my left leg to get off and on the bike and that I would probably not succeed in not stretching my left calf at all while biking. So it will be hobbling for a few more days, I guess. The hobble is becoming a little more balanced, though.
Then I helped making lunch. My husband had one of those days where he starts with, „Let’s make lamb burgers,“ and branches out from there:
As one does.
Then I took a shower and got ready just in time for my first student. Teaching was not bad and I saw the potential new student with her mother and grandmother. She was rather sweet and will start regular lessons next week. I’m looking forward to it.
Then there was dinner and the hanging up of more laundry and dishes again. No reason to complain, though, because my husband did the big washing up after lunch.
And then early to bed. I finished „The Bride Test“ and really loved it. First book in ages that almost made me cry at the end. (No worries, they get their happy ending.) And then I started reading a new one right away, of course.
Today there will be another mostly unproductive day with a few hours of teaching thrown in near the end. It still feels weird to not exercise. I hope I won’t get used to just sitting around all day. But for now it’s all about getting my energy back.
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