I only woke up from the alarm and would have preferred staying asleep to be honest. So I skipped the morning pages. My plan had been to only write before breakfast and do nothing else. My intention had been very firm and I had pictured myself while doing it, you know, like you’re supposed to.
And then I woke up feely totally woolyheaded and just couldn’t do it.
I did write for fifteen minutes but only after I had gone online, and I only managed 230 words during that time.
I was a little late in making breakfast but the tea was just ready when the boy showed up. Phew.
Since I really had to finish reading „The Omega Objection“ I lost some more time after breakfast but I did meditate and then started preparing the podcast in earnest.
I did also finish knitting a hat while my husband was having his breakfast:
Interestingly this fits both me and my husband even though we have completely different size heads. He likes it.
Then I started a pair of fingerless mitts from the leftover yarn but had to rip the first three rows back.
I did dishes and talked to my husband and went grocery shopping. I still was feeling fuzzy and the whole grocery shop seemed to be full of people standing in the way while chatting to each other.
Then I came home, started to unpack the groceries and had yet another misunderstanding with my husband. This week we have fought while making dinner each and every day. Not because of some big rift between us, just because we are not really compatible in the way we do practical things and communicate them. Today’s conversation went like, „Do you think we need to precook the lentils?“ „Um, I think we should start now.“ And that set off a heated one hour conversation while we were both frantically cooking.
Nope, not much fun. Especially when you cook Spätzle from scratch on a wood stove. My husband has been complaining about being way too hot standing there in front of the stove, and I get it. But today I ended up with big, angry, red patches on my thighs. They have started to fade so I guess I’ll be okay.
We did agree on only making Spätzle on the electric stove top in the future. Lunch did taste wonderful, even though we switched pots midway and had no salt in the pasta pot and salt in the lentil pot:
The boy had lunch with his grandmother. We did make some extra for him, though, and he ate that for dinner.
Then I took a little break and then went on to record the podcast. I finished just in time for my first student. I had briefly tried using a new microphone for recording but there were too many variables. Finding out how to set everything up properly was stressing me, so I just used my regular old mike instead.
I had another break after that first student and started getting the podcast ready for publishing, and since the boy was busy walking his grandmother to the doctor (she seems to be having that dreaded cold that we all got and is feeling weak because of it), he missed his piano lesson.
Then more students, and more podcast.
My husband had been really nice and had done the dishes twice and hung up the load of laundry he had thrown in around noon. When I showed up again after my teaching day was done everything was all tidied up and clean. I’m really grateful for that.
I actually got the podcast all ready last night and it will go live in the afternoon.
Then I spun my daily advent calendar fiber while watching some videos, started writing this and went to bed barely in time for my 10 pm bedtime. I have to say that I much prefer 9 pm but at the moment I just can’t do it.
The boy just told me the other day that he has now found out how to get adequate sleep: he needs to get ready for bed at eight and turn the lights out at nine. He feels a little foolish doing this because that is the exact same bedtime routine he used to have years ago.
Well, welcome to my world. I feel best when I turn out the lights at nine as well.
Today there will be writing and cleaning and helping my husband make pizza from scratch. Yes, he said he wouldn’t do it anymore. Yes, we probably will start fighting again, even if we both try not to as hard as we can. And I just remembered that we might not have any tuna for the pizza. Well. Then we’ll have to put other things on it instead.
Today will be really busy yet again (and I hope really productive as well – I like productive). Lots of students. My husband will have to go out to the youth center and watch students of his play rock music again. The boy and I will stay in and watch ‚Star Trek‘. I’m really looking forward to that.
tinijoens says
Wenn zu zweit kochen euch so stresst, macht doch eine Liste, wer um welche Uhrzeit was macht. Pizzateig kann auch wunderbar 24 Std. im Kühlschrank stehen. Dann noch Tomaten aus der Dose drauf, jeder seinen Belag und ab in den Backofen….
Susanne says
Wenn mein Mann jemand wäre, der vorm Kochen eine Liste machen kann, dann hätten wir kein Problem. Planen ist nicht seine Stärke und er ist tatsächlich unfähig, den Kochprozess vorher zu durchdenken. Nein, ich verstehe das auch nicht.
Ich dachte mir, dass ich heute einfach alle drölftausend Zutaten schon vorbereite, bevor es ans Zusammenbasteln der Pizza geht (den Teig macht er vorher, das ist kein Problem).
Wenn ich Pizza mache, habe ich natürlich eine Checkliste, auf der steht, wann ich was mache, und Abläufe, die jedes Mal gleich sind. Allerdings bringst du mich gerade auf eine Idee, vielleicht brauche ich noch eine Checkliste, wann ich was mache, wenn ich mit meinem Mann gemeinsam Pizza mache. (Ich mache immer nur Champignon-Pizza für zwei, er macht zwei große Bleche mit Champignons, Artischocken, Oliven, Thunfisch, Sardellen, Kapern, Pepperoni plus gemischtem Salat.)
Ich gehe dann mal eine Liste machen…