I woke up at five. Not the best time to wake up. Note to self: If you have to eat dinner don’t eat so much that your stomach hurts because that will disrupt your sleep.
I spent a leisurely hour in bed reading before getting up and having breakfast.
And I even managed to meditate and write right afterwards:
This was day 22 of my #100daysofwriting-challenge. I don’t count the days I don’t write (three missed days so far).
Talked to my husband and worked on the crochet blanket. Did the dishes, read some more. A little later we went to vote in the Bavarian elections today. Then we had an early lunch:
Since I had decided to stay at home and write a lot I procrastinated rather thoroughly first. Of course. I set up my bullet journal for the upcoming week and got cranky because I didn’t get as much done as I wanted. As usual.
I managed to write for a bit anyways.
Thought about the boy and the fact that he’ll come back home tomorrow. I have been missing him but I was much more relaxed this time than last year. Now he only has to get to his train on time tomorrow morning and come back home safely.
I won’t be watching the new episode of Doctor Who tonight, I’ll wait for him to come back.
Went to bed on time.
Today there will be running and waiting for the boy and lunch and then maybe I’ll meet him at the train station (not sure yet) and then I’ll teach.
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