But the hectic of school starting is still ongoing.
Students want their lessons re-scheduled and the boy has excursions and a ton of stuff to buy and extra books and workbooks and then he started discussing his prospects for all kinds of extra certifications he might be able to get and test for over the next three years.
And one of these years he will learn that bombarding me with details that include lots of numbers makes my head hurt.
I woke up early yesterday and for once managed to make myself write for ten minutes before getting up. Phew.
My mood immediately brightened. Which shouldn’t be a surprise but of course it was.
I started to weave the ends in on the Cria cardigan. I still have to sew one pocket lining shut, block it and get buttons but then it will done.
I did the dishes and such and then went running. I had decided to stop the half-marathon training yet again and go back to the transitioning from 5k to 10k training which meant that I spent my run mostly fiddling with the settings on my phone. A program of running ten minutes and walking 1 minute several times doesn’t really work when you don’t know if you should run or walk at any given moment.
So I didn’t quite finish what I set out to do. I’m not sure how to proceed, maybe I will restart the half-marathon program again and just repeat each week until I manage to actually run the distance specified. We’ll see.
Lunch was mashed potatoes, peas and carrots and wieners:
Then I talked to the boy and did dishes and made some music and pulled out the sewing machine, taught a student, sewed a bit, taught some more, talked some more with the boy (note to self, put in your calendar for next year that the boy will need extra time for talking through school stuff when school starts), started writing this post, read a little and went to bed early.
No spinning. But I did my daily drawing (that isn’t that daily) in the morning. Otherwise that wouldn’t have happened.
Today I will go grocery shopping, get my new glasses from the optician, go to the health food store again because the boy ran out of vegetarian spread and didn’t put it on the grocery list in time, record the podcast, teach a few students and do some other things as well.
I have a list. So I know what to do.
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