Yesterday was a rather slow day all in all. It took me ages to get out the door for my run. I almost skipped it but of course in the end I was happy that I hadn’t. As always.
Leftovers for lunch, and then I spent the time I had for writing and practicing pulling out a crochet hat that I had made, and that fit nobody in the house. I’m hoping to use the yarn to make a hat for my husband that keeps his ears warm enough.
Quite a bit of teaching but a lot of internet-surfing in between. Meh.
Did manage strength training after work, and then dinner, and dishes, and the making of the pizza-dough, and the spinning of the advent calendar fiber. And then I wrote a little. Phew.
Today, since it’s Friday, there will be the cleaning, and the making of the pizza, and the practice, and some more writing, and then a lazy evening spinning in front of TV. I’m really looking forward to that.
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