I have been wanting to blog more for ages, and I never did, and I also really enjoy reading those blogs where people just write about their day every day. So with the beginning of the new school year I'm trying something new, and I'm challenging myself to blog every day for thirty days. And then we'll see how that works, and if anybody likes reading it or not.
It's funny but I'm quite relieved that summer break is over. The first real day of school is tomorrow but my husband and I told our students they could come in today if they wanted. I think about half of today's students will show up.
And now I will have to find out how to work on my novel every day when I have to do all those other things as well. Though I have to say that working on it evey day during summer break, where I had much less to do, didn't work at all. It would be “work on the novel for ten minutes one day, skip two days” over and over and over.
I'm a little weary of my whining, and of my inability to stick to my plans. Reading a book called “Stick With It” didn't really help either. It is “do or don't”, there really is is nothing in between.
One thing I have learned for sure is that if I leave novel revision as the last thing on the list before dinner it usually doesn't happen because something else intervenes, or something takes longer than I thought it would, and with one thing or another I would tell myself, “Oh, I'll work on it after dinner!” And then the boy and I would watch some show on TV, and it would be late, and I would be tired, and then I didn't work on the novel and would tell myself that it would be alright because I'd do a little more the next day.
And then I wouldn't.
At least today I know that I won't have time or energy to work on the novel after dinner with all that teaching in the afternoon.
This week is pretty full, I already made a weekly spread in my bullet journal – something I never do – because I have so many things that need to get done by a certain date.
I will travel on Friday, to the ninth German Raveler meeting, and I'm really looking forward to that.
Stay tuned, and tomorrow I'll tell you how all of what I planned today worked out in the end.
Winterkatze says
Ich bin gespannt, wie es diesen Monat für dich mit dem Bloggen läuft. Mir fällt es ja immer leichter überhaupt zu bloggen, wenn ich eh schon viel blogge. Auch wenn ich in der Regel nach dem Herbstlesen, wo ich an den Wochenenden regelmäßige Updates schreibe, erst einmal wieder eine Auszeit will.
Susanne says
Mir fällt es auch leichter, wenn ich schon viel blogge, das ist einer der Gründe für die Heraussforderung.