- After the big guests/performance/music-upheaval at the end of February I though things would be back to normal by now.
- They are but it seems that normal contains more things to do and to think about than I like.
- When I talk to people and try to explain why there is so much stuff I never can remember what exactly is so much. That’s because it’ s a long string of small things, not one or two big things.
- My husband, by the way, is already working on the next big project. He is planning something for February 2017, and is up to his neck in planning, and playing songs, and deciding on equipment. No, I don’t quite understand it as well.
- I, on the other hand, am furiously working on finally completing my first novel. Revision is a bitch but I can see the light on the end of the tunnel. I had hoped to have it finished in two weeks but by now that looks rather unlikely.
- I am also working on getting all the things I want to do crammed in every day. Exercise, housework, knitting, spinning, blogging, learning French, playing computer games, reading, spending time with my family, it doesn’t always work out.
- As usual for every day that I get it right there are two or three where I drop the ball. I haven’t managed to clean the house in weeks despite doing some cleaning every Friday. Then I decided to do a little each day, did that twice, and that was that.
- Today I go and get myself a new pair of glasses. Since I now need progressives, and since I am really nearsighted they will cost a fortune. In fact I have been saving money for about a year now just for these. It is a little disheartening.
- But then I am really looking forward to being able to read again. Playing piano from sheet music has become rather unpleasant what with me looking at ever more fuzzy notes.
- I did not forget about wanting to post here once a week, really, only somehow I didn’t manage during the last few weeks.
- And finally I actually enrolled in a free class about blogging a few weeks ago. Guess what, I already knew all of what I was taught there. Seems that if you do a thing for nine years you end up knowing something about it after all.
- On a brighter note it looks as if it will be spring here soon. That doesn’t mean there won’t be freezing nights anymore, or snow (there is a reason why planting time here starts in May) but today one can go outside without winter coat, without a hat and mittens. I like it.
Die Linkshänderin says
Ja, kenne ich. Gerade diese vielen Kleinigkeiten verursachen doch den größten Stress. Wenn man ein Haus baut oder so, dafür hat jeder Verständnis, da bekommt man Anerkennung. Aber wenn man hier zur Post und da zum Arzt und dort dem Kind eine neue Turnhose kaufen muss, das sind alles keine großen Sachen, aber man hetzt den ganzen Tag rum.
Für die Hausarbeit finde ich diesen Plan ganz hilfreich:
Je nach Zimmeranzahl und Lebensweise kann man ihn ja anpassen.
Es gab auch mal ein Buch mit dem Titel “Susi Sauber”, das war genial. Leider gab es da einen Urheberrechtsstreit, sodass es nicht mehr verlegt wird. (Wenn Du magst, kann ich Dir meins leihen.)
Jeden Tag alle Hobbys zu pflegen, finde ich persönlich zu viel. Vielleicht hilft es, wenn Du jeden Tag zwei Hobbys pflegst und darauf achtest, dass jedes wenigstens einmal pro Woche dran ist?
Und Zeit mit der Familie kann man ja auch prima mit anderen Dingen verbinden: Sport, Hausarbeit, Computerspiele,…
Ich drück Dir die Daumen für den Roman-Endspurt!
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin,