The fabulous Meeta has initiated Blogger Postcards from the World. Each participant is to pick a postcard, write a post about it and then send it off. The recipient then will be blogging about it when she receives it.
So I went out to buy a postcard of the town where I live. I should have known that in this town you never can just go out and buy something. So my first attempt failed and because most of the participants are food bloggers I settled for this:
Gorgeous, but not really typical for Bavaria. So three shops later I found this:
That’s the big city near my town. It’s not gorgeous (the postcard, not the city), but it will do. Postcards from the world it is. I’m eager to receive mine…
Technorati Tags: blogger postcards from the world
Tanna says
Oh, my, I like them both. and I love the name of your blog!
Paz says
Very nice card!
Pamela says
I LOVE Muenchen!!! It is still one of my top three destinations in Europe, wonderful city!!!
Pamela says
I LOVE Muenchen!!! It is still one of my top three destinations in Europe, wonderful city!!!
Paz says
Very nice card!
Tanna says
Oh, my, I like them both. and I love the name of your blog!
gilly says
Both cards are lovely!
gilly says
Both cards are lovely!
K & S says
both are wonderful!
K & S says
both are wonderful!
Sally says
What a nice card! I can’t wait to receive mine!
Sally says
What a nice card! I can’t wait to receive mine!
De Aufiero says
The past two nights, I have slept 8 hours or so. Wow! What a difference to awaken naturally and, maybe not feel ready to get up, but feel like I can’t sleep any more. I actually feel awake as I begin my second cup of coffee and think about my day. It is important and it does make a difference.
liv says
Pardon me while I yawn. Yes, the lack of sleep is staggering. I am staggering. I am with you sister. We all need sleep, and more than 6 hours.
jen says
oh, i feel you. i have not gotten enough sleep in a long time, somewhere around 6 hours a’s not enough.
but four years of tired…well
meno says
i am an 8 hour person. But as you say, there is always something else to do….
Andrew says
I’ve discovered the formula: High stress = not much sleep. Now how to find that low stress stuff…
Andrew (To Love, Honor, and Dismay)
Esereth says
“have a nap on you.” Ha ha. Funny. Get your German keister over here, honey, and make good on that offer.
I know what you’re talking about with wasting your sleeping opportunitys. Like an exhausted child who fights bedtime, except we adults do it too.
Well, not me. Not now. Dear god I’m tired.
What is a teabottle?
KC says
Throughout my schooling and residency, my parents never pressured me to succeed or to get straight As. They pressured me to sleep. They sleep A LOT. All the time. Sleep to my family has higher valence than most other things.
Yet, I couldn’t sleep enough. Being on call every fourth night, sometimes not sleeping for 36 hour shifts or more, that added up. So I was somewhat prepared for having a baby (but that was being on call every night).
Now, my sleep regimen is much like yours. Putting off naps. Pushing bedtime for no good reason. Becoming increasingly sleep deprived. A sleep vacation would be lovely.
Susanne says
Well, sleep seems to be a hot topic. Thank you for all the comments.
Esereth, a teabottle is like a milkbottle, only filled with fennel tea. (Maybe this should be milk-bottle. Or milk bottle? As a German I tend to write everything as one word…)