I woke up from the alarm, again all fired up to do all.the.things! For about five minutes or so. I wrote morning pages and then gave up on basically everything. Managed to pull myself together enough to make breakfast and then continue the conversation I had with my husband the day before after dinner about what went wrong during dinner.
My husband went off to the dentist and I did my usual morning things, the breakfast dishes and tried making myself start dough for Turkish flatbread but failed.
Huband came back home from the dentist and from the farmer’s market where he had made a failed attempt to procure potatoes. The potato farmer didn’t show.
I researched possible causes for my dizziness (I like to go in to doctor’s appointments with possible diagnoses in hand) and then made deodorant while my husband went out again for errands. And getting Turkish flatbread from the Turkish supermarket because I hadn’t managed anything.
All in all I had one of those very paralyzed days.
I still made lentil soup for lunch:
By then I was feeling somewhat better and was armed with a new! shiny! plan to change all my bad habits. Okay, at least some of them.
I also was cranky about all the procrastination I’m doing and so I did the dishes right away, then took only a short break and took my shower with five minutes to spare before teaching.
Then there was teaching, I made good use of my afternoon break, talked briefly with my husband and the boy (whose application for a bachelor thesis topic was accepted, hurray!), did bodyweight training with my son and finally ate dinner.
I wanted to watch yet another webinar (this time about writing and formatting software) and I did start on that while eating but realized that I was just too tired to pay attention and since there will be a recording available I decided to watch it later.
I started writing this post, talked with the boy some more about uni stuff, did Duolingo and my foot exercises, watched half an episode of C-drama while he took a shower and went to bed.
And now it’s off to the ENT doctor…