Well, that didn’t happen.
I only thought about it because there were so many unread books around the house and on my ereader, and also I wanted to sew and buy more clothes, and the money for that had to come from somewhere. The many, many books lying around that I had bought or gotten as a present, all books that I had been very excited about when ordering them, or receiving them, those books were weighing on me.
Every single book I have around that I didn’t get to read felt (and still feels) like a chore not done.
I don’t want reading to be a chore. Since I no longer am at school there is really no mandatory reading in my life and that’s a good thing. About a dozen unread books to choose from feels like opportunity, and choice, and freedom. Two shelves of unread books, and more than a hundred ebooks I haven’t read yet – not so much.
I started buying ebooks because I don’t have room on my shelves anymore, and I won’t be installing new bookcases soon. Though I have to admit that I’m thinking about adding a shelf in the bedroom for my books about knitting, spinning, and sewing. That’s a whole new field I’ve added to my library, and I don’t really want to throw out that many books from my fiction or other non-fiction books.
But. I started getting ebooks. And they’re very tempting. Also you can want one, and then have it within minutes. It’s almost too tempting. The ebooks were one reason why I started turning off the wifi before dinner. Otherwise I’d stay up all night reading a book – which is already a bad thing because then I’ll feel horrible the next day – and then I’d download the next in the series immediately afterwards and stay up even longer. I no longer do that, it’s not good for me.
So I had this plan, I’d only buy books I had either pre-ordered already, or that were coming out from authors I buy everything from. The rest of the year I was going to read the books I already had. 150 books, or rather 200 should get me through almost three years without buying anything new so I wouldn’t actually be depriving myself of anything.
If I encountered a book I wanted I’d put it on my wish list, or download a sample and put it in the “buy later”-folder. All very sensible.
Then I found Debora Geary’s “Modern Witch” series. And soon I was downloading all of them, and wanted more. And all the books I had suddenly became very unappealing. And then I bought a new book. And then another one. And another one.
I don’t know how many books I bought last year. I think it might be a little less than the years before but not all that much less. So not buying books was a complete failure. (My plan of updating my wardrobe didn’t work either, by the way.
It seems that buying books is still more important to me than buying clothes. Which is no surprise when you know that I’m reading about 70 books a year but am basically wearing the exact same thing most days. I usually am the kind of person who only buys new clothes or shoes because the old ones are full of holes or completely faded. Or don’t fit anymore.
So that leaves me with still way more books than I need. I can’t sell ebooks, unfortunately. Most of the books I still want to read, only I never quite get around to it. It feels as if a book has grown stale sitting on the shelf for more than a few weeks. Which is complete and utter nonsense.
So I’m trying something different this year in dealing with the pile of unread books, I’m making a new rule to read one “old” book for every new one. I don’t know if that will be enough but right now it does feel doable. Much more realistic than last year’s attempt. Right now I’m finishing a book that I started about 1 1/2 years ago or so. It was a birthday present. It’s a real book so I decided to put it with the swimming stuff and take with me to the pool. Then I hurt my ankle and didn’t go to the pool anymore. So I never finished it even though I like it. Of course the problem with this book is that it is the first of a series. So when I finish it, and since I like it, I might have to buy seven more books because I read this one.
I could put them on my “buy later”-list, though…
How do you deal with piles of unread books? Or don’t you have any? How?