So, the fact that we had planned to go to Munich that day combined with me feeling stuck on the manuscript meant that I skipped my morning routine altogether. In favor of reading a YA vampire romance book.
We left the house at 10.30 which turned out to be slightly too late, but well.
Getting to the State Museum of Egyptian Art went smoothly. I was a bit confused at first about where to go and what to look at first, until I realized there is a theme to each room, you can read about it at the entrance and then there is a path on the floor to follow.
There was a free audio guide but we both declined. Museums are a lot to take in anyway, I don’t need to be talked at all the time on top of that. I prefer my information in readable form anyway. As always when you go to a museum with someone else the different rate of reading speed and taking information in was a bit of a problem. I kept an eye on the clock because the plan was to go out for lunch and then get my husband a new pair of pants but – it took us too long at the museum.
I had to shepherd us out through the second half of the museum at speed so that we had a chance of eating before we needed to take the train back.
Lunch was tasty but a bit rushed:
When we went to „Hans im Glück“ I made a beeline for the tables in the back right away because it was clear the free seats near the bar would be way too noisy for us. Well, the waitress steered us back to the front anyway and, yes, it was way too noisy which was stressful and meant we couldn’t really talk because my husband has a problem with auditory processing in noisy environments. Note to self: next time something like this happens I can turn around and ask the waitress if it’s okay for us to sit in the back because we’re sensitive to noise.
For the first time in my life I paid with my phone in a restaurant and then we hoofed it back to the train station. We arrived just in time for my first student of the day.
Of my five planned students one had canceled in the morning and one just never showed up which is always a bit weird because I tend to sit there waiting the whole time. We changed her time slot so maybe she forgot about that.
After teaching the boy wanted a word with me because he needs to write an application for his bachelor thesis. Talking about that brought out all the anxieties and insecurities and fear of failure, of course, but I think we managed to draw up a battle plan that is workable. Up until the inevitable „and if that a happens you’re screwed and we need to regroup“ conclusion.
I finally ate dinner, sat around in a slump for an hour or so, then went on to watch C-drama and managed to turn the lights out on time.
Today I feel as energetic as a limp dishrag so that will be fun.
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