Not that surgery is immediately happening, it’s just clear that it’s only a matter of time.
I had gone to bed on time the night before and slept well, and then managed my whole morning routine of morning pages, manuscript time, yoga and meditation. My husband and I changed our respective morning routines and are now working around each other more which means none of us has to sit around waiting for the other one to finish something. That also means I do yoga in the living room while my husband is tending the fire but that’s completely okay.
My optician appointment was at 11, so not that hard to get there on time. I was completely low on energy still, after the MRI apparently used up a lot of emotional energy. And, of course, I’m still eyeing the MRI results a bit warily because I don’t really understand all of it but that’s what the neurologist appointment will be for.
I really like my optician and think he is very competent and thoughtful. I got measured and decided to order a pair of sample lenses. He found that while my sight has been getting a little better again, the cataract in my left eye definitely has worsened but probably not up to the point where I need to get surgery right away. Still, we talked about the period in between one surgery and the next where I’ll need something to correct my vision. He suggested getting a contact lens just for the right eye to get it to the same level as the other one.
Most people who get cataract surgery don’t need glasses afterwards but with my eyes I’ll have to wear glasses afterwards as well.
After that conversation I was basically done for the day and swung by the health food store for chocolate and tortilla chips because comfort food. I ate it all after lunch and after dinner and while the food definitely comforted me the fact that my weight went up this morning definitely didn’t. But that’s normal after eating all that salt, so we’ll see.
In order to destress I then went on a short walk and I even fit in a shower before lunch.
Lunch was very tasty:
I had an early start to teaching but two breaks in between, after my last student I had to wait while the boy was setting up the new mesh router thingy in a addition to the three we already have in a quest for decent wifi upstairs in his room, and then we did bodyweight training. We were both very weak that night and felt like not doing much but we prevailed and this morning I’m sore everywhere.
After that I slumped around at the kitchen table, ate dinner, slumped some more, couldn’t bring myself to start watching TV, talked briefly with my husband, ignored my bedtime reminder, watched some YouTube while spinning and crocheting (and doing the pattern wrong for a whole row) and went to bed half an hour late.
Here’s to a mostly normal day today!