I went to bed at 11 which is good but not good enough and slept well until 6. I was feeling a little sluggish right away but still wrote my morning pages, worked on the new novel for half an hour and then my husband showed up. I did yoga, he came back to start the fire and got impatient enough with the whole “boiling water on the wood stove“-thing that he used the electric kettle instead.
We talked, I worked on the pair of fingerless mittens I had started for the boy the night before and found that there is a big error in the pattern, boo. So now I need to take some time, make a few decisions and change the pattern. The cuff does look nice, though:
I talked with members of the family and got ready for the day and then went off to the health food store and to buy yogurt. Came back, my husband was right in the middle of cooking and found that „let’s make some pasta to go with the leftover goulash“ had turned into something a little bigger with a pile of green peppers and a separate sauce for the boy. There was still time and my husband didn’t want help so I wandered off to watch a course about newsletters. I got carried away and only returned ten minutes after lunch was ready. Oops.
I set the table and sent the boy a text that lunch was ready and we all met in the kitchen. My husband was already a bit cranky. We talked, there was a misunderstood joke, husband got crankier and declared he wasn’t hungry. And that he had no idea why he was in a bad mood.
The boy and I ate, we talked a bit, I tried shoving him out the door (which resulted in him getting to uni an hour early, apparently) and just as I was about to get ready for teaching my husband returned and asked me to help with mounting that living room light.
So, the ceiling light in our living room is from the 90s and at one point one of the lights burnt out and it’s the kind of light you can’t buy anymore and one of the glass covers for the lights broke and so we decided to get a new one. Which we did a couple of years ago. Around 2020, I think. Since then that light fixture has sat on a shelf waiting to be mounted. And we never got around to it.
The day before my husband had already tried getting the old light fixture off but hadn’t succeeded. So now, with ten minutes until my first student, he was on a stepladder in the living room with me first rushing off to turn the fuse off and the rushing back to assist. The screws holding the fixture were rather hard to unscrew, he got very frustrated and in the end slammed the screwdriver down on our living room table from the top of the ladder. That table has a glass top. Which was covered with a tablecloth. But. On that table sat the new light fixture and all the glass covers for it.
My husband managed to smash all three covers in one stroke. They were nearly pulverized and there are still small splinters on the sofa next to it.
He eventually got the old fixture down but now we still need to buy a new lamp.
So I guess I’ll go to the hardware store today.
After that I taught a lot of students. Two didn’t show without canceling which is always a bit frustrating. (Not frustrating enough to throw a screwdriver, though.) I used one break to set up an account with a new newsletter provider and during the second one I started to do some proofreading but then talked with my husband instead.
When my last student left I decided I really needed to make some music and played the piano for half an hour, then I talked to my husband again, ate dinner, talked with the boy and my husband, then started writing this post, did Duolingo and got ready for bed.
And now the hardware store and more lamp shenanigans.