So apparently I forgot to blog yesterday, sorry.
Friday was pretty uneventful but I did run some errands and taught some students and then spent the evening with a bag of potato chips, some sweets and two beers in front of TV, and after that I watched yet another Zoom call.
Yesterday morning I woke up as usual, very determined to get back on track and immediately went online on my phone. And no, I did not get back on track.
I did eventually write morning pages and started thinking about why I was feeling extra stuck and paralyzed. I thought it might be the world in general or something else but then I realized it might just be general overwhelm.
So I thought some more and spoke with my husband about it and then decided what I need is a general list of everything I need and want to do, all of it, including lists of books I want to read and courses I want to take and all the small things like ironing my denim skirt and cleaning around the toilet.
Once I had that idea I already felt much better. Then I started researching where to put such a list, I had tried a notebook in the past but that gets unwieldy fast. I reinstalled Notion and looked for a template, talked with a friend who suggested Trello and so I started playing around with that.
In between I went for a walk and then there was lunch:
I took a shorter break than usual, then played around with Trello some more and just when I wanted to really get going with the list my husband showed up for a post mortem of Thursday’s museum visit. Turns out we both would have liked to go through the museum faster than we did. So I guess next time we’ll take that into consideration.
I managed to get away just in time to take a leisurely shower and then it was time for my weekly writer’s meeting online. We had a lively and interesting discussion.
I had to leave early again in order to be on time for our weekly evening of watching and episode of ‚Columbo‘ as a family. This week’s episode was one where Columbo did his detecting in London, so there was a lot of local color but not quite as much detecting as usual.
My husband, who had spent all cleaning again, actually nodded off at some point.
I then started writing this post, did Duolingo, made myself a cup of tea, did my foot exercises and went to bed with a book.
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