I almost but not quite get enough sleep. Still, I was feeling much better. I wrote morning pages, did yoga for tired legs and meditated for three minutes. My blood pressure is constantly in the „high normal“ range, I think I should probably talk to my doctor.
We had breakfast and talked and then I started tackling the ginormous list I had. First on that list was ripping the last bit of „Fitton’s Dynamo“ back and starting a swatch for „Weaver B“. I like the pattern with these colors:
I did the dishes while listening to the Bach partita BWV 825 on cembalo. I keep forgetting that listening to Bach always grounds me and feels like my mind gets sorted. Very calming and soothing. This time listening and thinking inspired me to write a draft for my very first newsletter ever. Because I had asked my brain for a blurb for book 1. Sure, brain, whatever. But. Sending that newsletter out with a link to a freebie short story will be a good thing. I just need to get all the relevant ducks in a row first.
I did finish the cleaning and even ran a rag over the bathtub rim and around the microwave. I did mobility training instead of cardio because 76 minutes of bike riding the day before was certainly enough. My feet are still painful, I don’t know if I should rest them or not. I then arrived back in the kitchen just in time to take a bit of the stress off my husband’s shoulders by doing some chopping and setting the table. I folded almost two loads of laundry. Then there was lunch:
I took a break and played a silly game, did the lunch dishes, took a shower, talked with various family members and then it was time for a check-in with other writers over Zoom. That was delightful and very motivating, after that I met with the boy, we ate dinner while watching an episode of „Doctor Who“ and I’m glad to say that this one was very, very good if decidedly silly. But then it’s „Doctor Who“.
After that I started watching an episode of K-drama but turned out to be too tired, did Duolingo, threw the gauge swatch into soapy water, started writing this post, tidied the kitchen, rolled the swatch in a towel and trampled it to get the water out, made a list for today, got ready for bed and turned the lights out.
I might have bought a handful of books today as well. I got the next two books in the Greta Helsing series even though I just started the first one (but I’m enjoying it very much), I bought „This Autistic Girl Went to Japan“, „Northanger Abbey“ (only 29 cents and someone on Twitter said it was hilarious) and „Obsidian“ by Arden Powell because his newsletter told me it was only 99 cents.
I’m really looking forward to reading all of them but for now I’ll mostly continue with „Strange Practice“ which is the current book I keep picking up and setting down again throughout the day. For anyone who wonders where I find the time to read books. I read them on the toilet, while eating (if I don’t eat with my husband), while brushing my teeth and in every odd moment of the day that I’m not on social media.
I also would have bought „The Vegan Chinese Kitchen“ because I suddenly remembered it triggered by a conversation the boy and I had a couple of days ago about the „Every Grain of Rice“ cookbook. Which I highly recommend but I was thinking along the lines of vegetarian cooking for the boy, remembered that I had read about a vegan Chinese cookbook, looked it up and, um, I already owned it. It looks wonderful, it’s full of stories about the author’s father and Buddhist monks and very enjoyable to read. I can’t say anything about the recipes yet but, the ebook is only 3,99, so there you are.
Sorry for not linking the books, I’m tired and pressed for time.
Today will be the usual busy Sunday, I’m hoping to plan the week as well, gather all the stuff I have written around book 1, all the drafts of author bios, blurbs and newsletters and look at them properly, maybe I’ll finish some of them, that would be wonderful. And I’ll get everything ready to be away from home all day tomorrow.