As will be today so I’ll keep this short. (And everyone feels relief, I’m sure.)
I woke up on time after going to bed a little late again, did most of my morning routine and then talked with my husband after breakfast. That went longer than expected which made me a little late for my weekly phone call with my mother. While I was talking to her, mostly about her two sisters, my husband did the dishes and started making lunch.
Meanwhile I figured out what had me stumped about the next step publishing and I started the next round of research.
We ate:
And then the boy and I dug into more of the licorice I bought the day before. We’re still not convinced, thought and talked about it several times over the course of the day and all of that culminating in me ordering some Marabou salt licorice chocolate online. Unfortunately, my very favorite licorice in the world from Katjes is no longer made.
I had great plans to spend the afternoon doing more research and also writing new words on the novel. But first I sat down to play some games, not the silly, seemingly free kind but instead I fired up „Neva“, gave up after ten minutes of trying to scale the next few obstacles, and then I opened „Summerhouse“ which I had just bought the day before. And found that I didn’t have the patience to figure out how it works, so I closed that after ten minutes as well.
And then the other members of the family kept descending on the kitchen. Where I was sitting which was a mistake. The boy had eaten lunch and I had asked him to shovel the sidewalk because it had snowed, my husband kept coming in and out of the kitchen, the boy wanted to talk about politics, my husband started unpacking his new futon and needed help because he also has been having trouble with a trigger finger, so I helped him carry the futon and researched how to tape a trigger finger and waited until he had vacuumed his bed, and made slings out of old bedsheets to make it easier to carry the old futon, and asked the boy to help my husband carry it out because he was just about to come in, and some other things.
And then I took my stuff, went into my studio and closed the door. Which apparently irritated my husband because he had planned to do some things around the annex and was afraid he would disturb me. I did more research about publishing in Germany and the copies one needs to send to the national library and ISBNs (the price structure on those is insane, by the way), spontaneously decided to make the ebook and the paperback two different projects and just focus on ebook for now, messaged with a couple of friends, opened my computer and – was definitely not in the mood for writing. My head felt like I had had to do taxes or accounting, not a creative space for me.
Then it was time to do bodyweight training with the boy, I ate dinner and read, then watched an episode of C-drama and then was just in time for my monthly coaching call on Zoom. An hour before I usually need to get ready for bed is not my preferred time for things like these, but well. I managed to stumble through my bit, sounding more German than usual and fumbling for words but the call was lovely and very encouraging.
And then I somehow found myself hungry again, I made myself a cup of tea, decided opening another bag of potato chips was a good idea, ate half of it and some more licorice, met the boy again around midnight and turned the lights out shortly before 1 am.
So yes, I might be a bit tired today.