I woke up, fell tired, lounged in bed and decided to – skip the morning routine. Bad move, as always.
There was cake for breakfast again because someone needs to eat that. There was some crochet after breakfast and then I stepped on a train to the next town over to renew a prescription and buy things at the nicer health food store there that I can’t get here.
When I wanted to take the train back and stamp my ticket the machine was broken. I tried buying a ticket on my phone instead but the server was not reachable for some reason? So I actually called the number on the ticket stamper, had a nice chat with the person on the other end who thanked me for calling but also told me there was another machine at the other end of the platform. Huh. I had thought that platform only had one entrance but hadn’t thought about the fact that they made it more accessible recently and so I trekked all the way to the other end (my watch was sure I was exercising) to stamp my ticket and then back again. Good thing I had ample time.
Back in my hometown I went to the new supermarket for vegetarian bratwurst, to the pharmacy and to the other health food store before getting back home. Where my husband was stressed out by cooking on the wood stove again. Lunch was nice but a bit too salty:
I only had very little time after that but managed to eat all the Christmas cookies one of my students had given me. As I said – dumb.
Then there was all the teaching all afternoon, one Christmas song after the other until my tension headache was back.
After teaching the boy and I did bodyweight training, my husband asked me to help him order a new hifi amp. He has been having trouble with his for months now and both replacements that he found around the house weren’t working properly as well. Seems that even the best equipment fizzles out after just a few decades.
Then I finally got to eat dinner. The boy and I were sitting around companionably looking at our phones for a bit, then I started writing this post, did my foot exercises and Duolingo, and watched something on TV while spinning.
Then to bed.
Two more teaching days until Christmas break.