I went to bed too late, slept well and woke up early. And then I didn’t want to do anything at all and just lounged in bed scrolling through social media. I did none of the things that I usually do to make me feel better.
I had a somewhat early breakfast while reading and later that day finished the Miss Phryne Fisher short story collection. I really liked it and now I’m all through that series. I hope there will be more books eventually.
I made my usual phone call to my mother and this time she was home and we had a nice talk. My husband was making a new recipe from a YouTube video, tagliatelle with dried porcini. It was very good:
After lunch I folded the load of laundry on the rack and hung the next load up while my husband did the lunch dishes. I also started a load of wool things that included my new shawl. This is a picture of the unwashed shawl:
I took a break and waited for the boy. And waited some more. We had agreed to bake the Christmas cookies that afternoon but had never made our plans concrete, so there was no alarm for him and no calendar entry. But. He finally came downstairs around 3.30 to eat lunch, we talked and only an hour later we started making cookie dough.
It took us about three hours in total but our usual two kinds of cookies are done:
My husband did the dishes while we were still forming kipferl. You can clearly see who made which, mine are skinny and sloppier, the boys are fatter, smaller and prettier. On the other hand I made two in the time it took him to make one.
Then we finally ate dinner and afterwards we met again for bodyweight training. Which felt really hard at that point.
Then I planned the week and the next day, did Duolingo, started writing this post, did my foot exercises while my tea was steeping, watched the first episode of „Love is a Poison again“ while spinning and crocheting and went to bed.
Now it’s the last week before Christmas break. Onwards and upwards!
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