I did get enough sleep, got up with my alarm and did my complete morning routine, including meditation and measuring my blood pressure. I did a covid test and it was negative again:
I called my mother on the phone and told my husband about our trip. I also asked my husband to please not make eggplant parmigian because we just had eggplant casserole two days before. (And not very good eggplant casserole either. Also, I don’t like eggplant much.)
Then I read a bit and went online, the boy showed up for lunch at 4 (there was a video game event that kept him up all night), we talked for a while, then my husband wanted to talk with me, I helped him order new sunglasses and some other stuff and we talked about plans with people for the second half of summer break, I went back to the kitchen, started doing the lunch dishes, then my husband came, there was a paper jam in the printer and he couldn’t figure out how to get it out, so I spent some time cussing while pulling small pieces of paper out while my husband was making helpful suggestions from behind.
That took a while. Then my husband and I had to talk some more about how my reaction to his helpful suggestions wasn’t appropriate on and off for an hour or two. He had finished the dishes while I was taking care of the printer, then I heated some frozen buns for dinner, ate, talked, tried starting this post, talked some more, realized that I really needed to get loads of XP in Duolingo to stay in the Diamond League, put a beer in the freezer, started doing Duolingo, talked some more, did more Duolingo, started writing this post, talked with the boy about his friend coming over on Wednesday, helped him look for ingredients for onigiri, put some stuff on the grocery list and talked some more.
By then it was already 9 pm, so I decided to move planning for the week to today and drank my beer in front of TV while knitting.
And now for the second half of summer break.