I even wrote morning pages. Though no yoga again.
I ate breakfast with my husband, transferred the cardigan-in-progress to a longer circular needle and knitted a bit on the mystery shawl.
I did the usual housework things, walked to the health food store and folded 2 1/2 loads of laundry. Lunch was late because my husband only started cooking after I returned from the store with yellow lentils:
Then I ate all the chocolate.
It took me a while but eventually I moved to the sewing machine and tackled the almost finished skirt. Behold, it is finished now:
This picture shows the skirt unhemmed, I tried it on after finishing the waistband but it works and it fits well enough. It is not pretty, though:
I had to fudge quite a bit with the waistband because I made a calculating mistake when cutting the pieces and somewhere along the line things moved around and now they don’t line up anymore.
I finished right in time for my sole student of the day. While we were trying to do a singing lesson there was a massive thunderstorm with hail going down on the studio roof and the skylight. Well.
Then I ate dinner, talked briefly with the rest of the family, started making piles of all the things I need to take with me today, did the dishes, got as much packed as I possibly could, watched some TV and did Duolingo and fell into bed.
We’re leaving soon. I’ll try to blog from the road but there will probably be no pictures. See you!
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