Let’s see, I had one of those morning where I am rather slow, I started writing morning pages but then wandered off into the internets. I opened the laptop to write, turned away in disgust and then forced myself to do yoga.
I told myself I’d write later but that never works. Unless. When I told my husband I’d write later he was miffed because that threw all his plans for the morning and then he said, you won’t write anyway because you never do if you don’t do it first thing.
Which is true. Unless I get challenged.
So the writing happened.
The boy had told me to wake him up at 9.30 via text at midnight which I found puzzling because that important lecture where the prof doesn’t allow anything digital at all started at 10. And it takes more than an hour to get to campus.
Well, turned out he had read his calendar wrong and was very upset about missing that lecture. I should have gone upstairs and ask him at 7.30 but since he specifically told me to…
The original plan for the morning had been to walk to the supermarket together but then we realized that two packages were expected that day and since one of them is that frame for the boy’s bed we decided one of us should be home at all times.
So I walked to that supermarket alone. It was too slippery for biking, I thought. And yes, I slipped and almost fell on the way there but fortunately I was able to grab onto a handy wood fence and catch myself. Let’s just say those shoes are not really the best for ice and snow and I have ordered new ones since then.
Walking to the grocery store includes carrying everything back home, a heavy backpack and two big bags. I am experimenting with compression gloves for my poor arthritic fingers and I think they make a difference to the better. I guess I’ll see.
I walked all the way back, unpacked the groceries and ate the food that my husband had kept warm and reheated several times:
That is tuna even though it doesn’t look like it. My husband was experimenting with a new recipe and it was rather good.
Then I took a break and ate too much chocolate, taught four students, sent the boy the wrong time for bodyweight training so he showed up an hour early, corrected the time and said I was sorry, finished teaching, changed into sweats and did said bodyweight training with him.
Interrupted by him showing me his new computer and how brilliant ‚Space Marine 2‘ looks now and how fast it loads. We also talked about something uni-related.
I finally ate dinner at 8.30, hung around for too long, watched most of one episode of C-drama while inhaling another brick of chocolate and crocheting and went to bed at a reasonable time.
Today looks pretty full as well but, hey, no teaching!
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