I actually went to bed on time, slept well, started the day scrolling through Instagram and still managed to do my full morning routine.
The plan had been to be done with novel revision in time for my coaching call at 2 but that didn’t happen. I did open the manuscript for half an hour, did the breakfast dishes, talked with my husband about some of my current problems, listened to some Schumann and got ready to go out for lunch.
When we arrived at the nearby Greek restaurant we first thought it was closed. There was a note on the front door and we couldn’t see any guests inside. Well, the note was about them having technical difficulties accepting cards at the moment and all the guests were in the back.
The food was excellent. Well, except the salad but who cares:
I did not drink the ouzo we got before and after and went with alcohol-free beer because of my stomach. It was very nice to get out together and do something different than usual. The waiter asked us about the boy and couldn’t believe it when we told him that little boy is already 21 now. (We did ask him if he wanted to join us but he declined.)
We popped into the nearby vine shop on our way back and came home with plenty of time to get ready for my Zoom call. I spent the first ten minutes of that call waiting to be let in, apparently the coach hadn’t seen me. I finally tried logging off and coming in again and that worked.
I would have loved to tell the coach that I had finished revision but I hadn’t. The call was very nice and uplifting, as always, though. And afterwards I just stayed at the computer and an hour later I was finished. Phew!
So, that happened. The next steps will be doing all the publishing tasks that I’ve never done before. I need covers and blurbs and author bios and all that stuff. Lots to do. But first to celebrate this step.
I then started writing this post, ate dinner, did Duolingo and watched some C-drama. Today will be the day I do all the housework and all the grocery shopping. That will be fun.