I turned the lights out at 1 am, got up as usual and was therefore somewhat tired all day. I did manage morning pages and yoga, then had breakfast, crocheted a bit, talked with my husband who gave me an article from his guitar magazine to read, opened the manuscript, called my mother on the phone who is doing better with her shoulder and sat around while my husband cooked.
For once we were laughing and talking and did not fight at all. We both like that better.
Lunch was chicken, rice, peas and carrots:
I also did a covid test that turned out negative. I sat around reading and playing games for a bit, then the boy showed up and ate lunch and we talked.
One of the things I want to do more of this month is actually watching some of the courses I own. So this afternoon I started watching a video about a certain enneagram type. I felt the information slide right off my brain again so I stopped. I guess I won’t learn the enneagram after all. I mean, I’m not convinced at all anyway. I did review the past week and planned for the week ahead and made an appointment with general practitioner online because my mother reminded me that knowing I have gastritis is all good and well but it should be treated eventually.
Talked to my husband some more, then the boy, ate too much bread for dinner, played silly games on my iPad, started writing this post, did Duolingo and the dishes, watched some C-drama while the boy took a shower, read some more and went to bed.
I started watching „Love Me, Love My Voice“ in addition to „Unchained Love“ and it is really sweet.
Today will be Faschingskrapfen and a day off.
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