I woke up at 5.40 after not quite enough sleep yet again. Who would have thought that going to bed on time would be that hard.
I wrote morning pages for the first time since July and then I picked up my phone. Ahem. Some of these days I’ll do better. There was breakfast and crochet and talking with my husband and in between I casually copy-edited the translation I was supposed to read. Until I decided that I had put enough time and energy into it, wrapped it up and wrote the author an email with my findings. Phew.
And then I got to think about why I am always triggered so hard by other people, how I step in to help and push everything else aside but when it’s about my own stuff I never find the time. I thought I was way more egotistical than that. Maybe I should look for more accountability after all. But when it feels like an obligation I never do it. So what does that say about me and – more important – how can I leverage it to get my projects done?
There were dishes and then there was running:
On a day that was cold and wet I got pretty lucky because while I was out it was rather dry. At least from above. The ground was a different matter. There have been a lot of trucks passing through those roads and it shows. My feet were soaked. And I still don’t have any oomph left so I walked way more than I ran:
I came back home, I took a shower, I had lunch:
At the moment my husband does a great job cooking without help.
Then there was all the teaching. And we even found a new song for my one male singing student, „Won’t Get Fooled Again“ by The Who. Excellent song by a brilliant band. Much fun. Not that hard to sing, though.
Afterwards I had dinner, wrote three more emails, finished reading a webcomic. I wouldn’t have thought that I’d read so many comics on the internet but I do. I’m particularly fond of Sleepless Domain. The boy recommended it. Never mind the stack of unread physical comics that are gathering dust right next to me.
I went to bed almost on time. I did not write. Again. But I started reading a book with the title, „The 5 Day Novel“. Yeah, right.
Today there will be the supermarket run, to the one that re-opened – very exciting, loads and loads of teaching, and maybe some other things. I have transferred ‚find pictures for book cover‘ from one daily list to the next for quite some time now. Meh.