After turning the lights out at midnight I got up before seven. I wrote morning pages, took a shower and had breakfast. I had to drink my big mug of tea real fast because I had to leave at 9.20 for my doctor’s appointment. Which meant I could not check if the boy heard his alarm which led to him oversleeping and not going to uni. Again.
My first stop of the day was my GP because I thought he might know whether my thyroid nodules were benign or not but he didn’t. I also talked with him about testing my thyroid hormone levels at the end of the month and got a prescription renewed and a new asthma inhaler so the visit was not a waste of time. Still, I think I need to figure out who to ask about the whole nodule report thing.
Then I went to the train station just two minutes after the train had left to go to the next town over for more visits to doctor’s offices. I waited 18 minutes while listening to BTS and reading Margery Allingham, took the train and went to two different doctor’s offices to renew two more prescriptions. Then I walked to the nice health food store, bought a handful of things including frozen ground beef and veal cutlets only to find that I again had missed a train by two minutes. When I got home I also realized that I had forgotten to stamp my ticket. Oops.
Back in my home town I walked to the pharmacy for all my medications, got the usual „We have to order these two but they’ll be in after three“, went to the other health food store for a few things including chocolate and walked back home.
There was still half an hour before lunch and I briefly toyed with the idea of opening the manuscript but ended up just taking a break.
Lunch was very tasty, pasta e fagioli:
The boy showed up shortly before it was time for me to start teaching. Then I taught all the students, used a short break to sprint back to the pharmacy to pick up the remaining two medications, went back, taught two more students, had dinner, looked at the choices for the EU parliament elections in June, ended up agreeing with the party I would have voted for anyway, talked with the boy a bit, started writing this post, did one short session of Duolingo, made a half-hearted attempt at doing my foot exercises, watched half an episode of C-drama, and fell into bed.
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