I mean, apart from it being strained and feeling weird all the time. But we’ll get to that later.
I woke up super tired because I had stayed up way too late. I did write morning pages, had an epiphany or two but skipped yoga again. My husband and I ate breakfast, no woodstove because it was way too warm outside for that.
My husband went off with a friend for some hiking and having lunch together and I forgot the time again and had to scramble to leave in time to get to my ENT appointment. Especially since I had forgotten that I wanted to tape my feet because they’re hurting again.
I walked to the doctor’s office while listening to BTS again, then read more of the current romance novel while waiting for an hour. I was very impressed the office not only had an air purifier but every person working there also wore a proper mask. I really like that doctor, by the way. I told her about my gastroscopy and the results that I had remembered to bring along like a real adult. Because I set myself a reminder, by the way. And when I came back home I set another reminder to bring them along to my next visit with my GP. And then I wrote a note into the reminder where I had put said results.
So. There is nothing physically wrong with my voice. But I am suffering from functional dysphonia. In short I need to build my singing and speaking muscles back up. I got a prescription for speech therapy. I’ll have to find one and getting a spot will take some time for sure. I also decided I should get back to daily singing warm-ups and did a bunch of research for exercises I could do.
The doctor said I could rehab on my own if I want.
I had decided to reschedule the weekly supermarket run but went to one of the smaller supermarkets on my way home for bread and cake. The boy and I wanted to get burgers delivered for lunch but it turns out – again – that the nice burger place only opens in the evening. So I ordered Chinese takeout. Which was yummy:
Spring rolls and fried noodles with chicken. The boy had tofu.
After that my husband came back and was very happy. We talked briefly about my doctor’s visit while he was making coffee for his friend, then I did the dishes, did my singing warm-up, taught two students, ate dinner and started writing this post.
In my epic research session I also looked up the procedure recommended for my thyroid. I tried making an appointment but couldn’t figure out how. I probably need to use the phone for that one. While bitching about the dermatologist it occurred to me that there is more than one dermatologist in the vicinity. So now I have an appointment with a new one in the next town over for the day after my GP appointment. And I made an appointment with my orthopedist because of my feet. I’m sure she’s really tired of seeing me. Not as tired as I am of having a reason to visit her, though.
So, all will be revealed after a phone call next week and the three doctor’s visits the week after.
In an attempt of going to bed at a reasonable time for a change I then moved more stuff to today (nope, I don’t see a problem with this at all), did Duolingo, watched an episode of C-drama („Love Me, Love My Voice“ (很想很想你) and went to bed.
Another full day ahead today, watch me as I finish the revision of book 3 before noon, then go out for lunch with my husband to return in time for my monthly Zoom thing. Sure. It will be fine. No problem here.
Konstanze says
Schön zu lesen, dass deine Stimme an sich okay ist. 🙂
Und ich bin voller Bewunderung, dass du eine Hautarztpraxis gefunden hast, die neue Patienten aufnimmt. Mein Mann versucht seit einem Jahr eine neue Praxis zu finden, die Patienten aufnimmt und nicht nur für Privatversicherte geöffnet hat …
Susanne says
Ja, ich war auch ganz erleichtert. Jetzt muss ich nur noch meine Übungen lernen und regelmäßig machen.
Mit dem Hautarzt ist es glaube ich Glück, dass die Praxis ganz neu ist. Sie ist im “Nachbarort” in Richtung große Stadt, da wo früher nur freies Feld war. Größte Baustelle in Deutschland oder so. Mein alter Hautarzt nimmt auch nur Privatpatienten, hat aber noch zwei weitere in der Praxis. Und ich bin dort schon seit Jahren Patientin.
Ein Vorteil davon, dass ich so viel die Ärzte gewechselt habe: ich bin bei ganz vielen noch in der Kartei.