I went to bed almost on time but didn’t sleep as deeply as usual. I even remembered a couple of dreams which never happens. In one I dreamt that I was breaking ceramics with my hands, I guess I woke up from finger pain. My hands were fine again throughout the day, so I have no idea.
I did most of my morning routine again and used my morning pages to think about dopamine levels and the pull of my silly iPad games and how my exhaustion might also be due to spending so much time on those. I looked it up and the week before it was 18 1/2 hours for those games which is definitely not an amount of time I want to spend on something like that. So I deleted all the ones that pull me in daily. This will surely be interesting.
Husband and I talked at length and after that we were already running late. I only did part of the breakfast dishes and then went off or the second day of my 5K-program. Even though I was sore all over still. But despite the pain I really loved being out in the woods doing my little 45-second run intervals.
I came back to a stressed husband with just enough time to take a shower before eating fish, potatoes, peas and carrots:
And some chocolate afterwards, of course. Then, instead of sitting around I did the lunch dishes just in time for teaching.
I taught my first three students and then used both breaks in between teaching to fold the rest of the laundry hanging in the living room and hanging a new load up that I had started before my shower.
After teaching the boy and I did strength training again. As I said, sore all over. I’ll probably feel even worse later.
Then I finally ate dinner, read a bit, went online for a while, started writing this post, made myself a cup of tea, did my foot exercises and Duolingo, watched some C-drama while spinning and knitting, made a list for today and went to bed.
Oh, and I ordered a new calculator for the boy and looked at the menu of the restaurant we’re planning to visit on Saturday. It’s a very Bavarian place. Under the category of „vegetarian dishes and salads“ there is latkes with salmon and something else. Sure. I’ll probably take the pork roast at least they should know how to make that.
Today is supermarket day and not a lot of teaching. Time to exhale.