And while I went to bed almost on time I was nervous enough about my dentist’s appointment that I gave up on morning pages and such after one page. No yoga, no writing. But then that is definitely a reason for an exemption.
With skipping both writing and yoga I ended up eating breakfast together with my husband, so that was nice. And then it was almost time to get going.
I walked to the dentist through beautiful winter weather, very cold but sunny. Everybody at the dentist’s was nice and I keep thinking how great it is these days that everything is explained and you can take a time-out if you want. I didn’t want because that just makes the whole thing last longer but still.
The only thing I really, really dislike is that the assistant patted my shoulder while the doctor was injecting the numbing stuff. I know that most people are soothed by touch and that it’s meant to distract me from the unpleasant experience and that it probably makes people less likely to jolt away from the needle but, well, for me it just makes the unpleasantness more unpleasant. The injection is bad enough but I can deal with that. Having to divide my attention between what the doctor is doing and someone touching me without warning? Makes me want to jump into the assistant’s face. I mean, it’s bad enough that two people are crowded around my mouth and I get that some touching is unavoidable, especially when some of us are a bit, well, voluminous, but no, I don’t like it.
But did I say anything? No. There never seemed to be the right moment. And while I hope I’ll remember next time I probably won’t. The last time this happened I complained at length as well and then said nothing.
Anyways, please don’t try to distract me from unpleasant sensations, it doesn’t usually work and I just end up feeling more unpleasantness all around.
So. Apart from that the whole thing was okay. I mean, emotionally exhausting as those things always are and, well, most people don’t enjoy dentist things, but my dentist is actually very nice. I bonded with the assistant earlier over the dreadful tinny „Für Elise“ sound from the x-ray machine. I mean, that thing swivels around your head while playing a really awful beeping synth version of that piece. I found it pretty awful but I don’t have to listen to that thing several times per day.
Apart from all of that things were actually nice. I practiced my deep breathing and contemplated how vampires are made in the world I’m writing and relationship dynamics between my characters. As one does.
The doctor took the old crown out (last upper molar on the right, so not the most accessible), cleared everything up and then took some fancy 3D-photos that he then used to design a new crown on the computer right next to me. And then they put a piece of ceramics in a machine right there in the room and that machine cut the new crown completely on its own. Wow.
That gave me time to read a bit. Because I had been fairly sure the whole process would involve waiting at one point I had put my phone in my pocket. Yeah, for ebooks!
When the crown was finished the doctor put it into my mouth to see if it fit, which it did, and then it was heated to 900 °C while I was let free to do what I liked and told to come back 40 minutes later.
I went to the health food store for the food that I forgot the day before and more chocolate. Of course. And then I walked home, surprised my husband, talked with him briefly and went back.
The dentist put the crown in, took some of the material away, polished it and I was done. By then sensation in that part of my mouth started to come back which was good but also a bit painful.
I walked home and felt like I was done for the day.
My husband had done the dishes and cooked lunch from my favorite Chinese cookbook, „Every Grain of Rice“. Mind you, the tofu with green peppers is the only thing we have cooked from the book so far but it is delicious:
After lunch I ate the chocolate I had bought before, the boy finally showed up and ate while we were both scrolling through social media, and then I was almost too late for teaching.
I ended up having two breaks between students, I used one to watch a course video and the other to eat dinner.
The plan was to do bodyweight training after teaching but my mouth hurt and it was pretty clear that I shouldn’t do exercise at that moment.
So I went online and read some things, I talked with the boy several times – he is in panic mode because of exams right now, started writing this post, did Duolingo and my foot exercises and watched some C-drama.
I think today should be a little less full but then I thought it would be a good idea to tack yet another lesson onto an overfilled teaching schedule. But yeah, money.