Big news: My son is completely diaper-free! Yeah.
This whole diaper-thing has been bothering me for quite a while. I even once wrote to Moxie because of it. Of course, the moment I asked somebody for advice my son changed tactics and became content with wearing diapers at night again. Then another problem surfaced: there was leakage. During the last months there would be little (or not so little) puddles in his bed. Three mornings out of four. Yuck. I changed from cloth to disposable diapers. That helped a little. Then we thought, maybe the problem is not the night, maybe the problem is that he dreamily empties his bladders in the morning into his convenient diaper. We tried to teach him to go the toilet first thing in the morning. You know, like all the adult do. We even reestablished the potty. Well, he just isn’t at his best in the mornings…
Then, one evening – about two weeks ago – after I gave him the “and then when you get up you use your potty immediately”-lecture he said, “I’ll just go to sleep without my diaper. Just like the adults do.” My first reaction: PANIC! my second: “What the frell, we’ve been having wet sheets anyway.”
I didn’t sleep well that night, I can tell you. I thought I’d be woken up sometime in the night by a crying child in need of fresh linens. Surprise! Everything was dry in the morning! The second day he forgot that he wasn’t wearing a diaper anymore. And that’s been it. No more diapers ever.
I have been washing two to three loads of diapers for 3 1/2 years. When he was about nine months old, the first round of leaking started. Fortunately I found a website about cloth diapers and the problem was solved with the purchase of a little more padding. I’m really fond of cloth diapers. They are much cheaper (especially when a friend just hands you her stack of almost unused ones), they don’t smell as bad (Really, really true. In playgroup my son would often run around for an hour with a full diaper, because the women there hadn’t smelled it.) and the child has that adorable duck-like butt.
Of course I had just opened a new pack of disposables. But I don’t mind. So, what shall I do with the blog now? Keep the title anyway? It isn’t the best title in the world. Substitute something for “diapers”? Please help me out here.
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