Hey, it happens to the best of us. And as much as I would like to tell you all about it I am again pressed for time. Yes, I am aware that it’s carnival break and I don’t have any students today but the day is packed nonetheless.
So yesterday I did the usual, morning routine, talking with husband, calling my mother on the phone, updating her about all my doctor shenanigans, educating her about how publishing works these days, lunch:
A short break, an afternoon where the boy was in and out of the kitchen, first to eat, then to talk, then to show me the figurine he was painting in various stages (apparently we don’t like primer that need to be painted on, spraying is much better, lesson learned), then my husband and I sat down to plan the week ahead so that all the things we want to do actually fit in with the few students we’re teaching, then the boy and I did bodyweight training, then the whole kitchen was full of people doing stuff while I wanted to relax over dinner, so I took it in front of the TV, watched an episode of C-drama, crocheted a bit, did an epic Duolingo battle to keep my place in the Diamond league (didn’t want to ruin my 79-week streak), then fell into a social media rabbit hole and went to bed an hour late, ahem.
And now I need to scram, see you!