I went to bed too late but got up 15 minutes earlier than usual so that I could do the complete morning routine on time. I almost managed to finish in time for breakfast with my husband. I’d say that being only 3 minutes late is impressive, unfortunately my husband was not impressed.
I had to leave before I even finished my morning tea to meet my Apple Genius Bar appointment. With the error message regarding the battery I decided to have it changed sooner rather than later.
The trip to Munich was uneventful, the train was even on time.
Everything went smoothly and I was told the repair would take an hour.
Being without a smartphone felt weird. Also, no camera, no music, no looking up train schedules, no map. I did have something to read because I had packed my eReader. I also had borrowed my husband’s phone in case I needed to leave the phone overnight or something. My train ticket was on my phone as well and the idea was to download it to my husband’s phone.
I went to one of the cafés right across from the Munich town hall and ordered hot chocolate:
I didn’t stay long and went to the nearest department store. After a brief look at bags I went in search of food, of course. I looked for crackers, mango chutney and a few other things but only got the crackers. Oh, and at the café I bought some pastries for the rest of the family.
Then I got my phone back after paying the fee and went back home. On my way from the train station to our house I went and bought some mango chutney (failed to find some in three different stores!) and chocolate.
I was very happy to be back home.
My husband was not as happy, he had one of those days where everything feels wrong and he had his own string of errands and chores. Lunch was rather simple:
Then I had twenty minutes to read and eat my chocolate.
There was some teaching, one student after the other, but not for as long as usual, my last student had canceled. Instead I wrote the grocery list and went out again into the rain to walk to the nearest supermarket.
That went okay but they were basically out of bread. The bakery right next to it at least had some bread left, so no one will have to go hungry for now.
That supermarket run I also did something I had never one before, I paid with my smartwatch. It was rather funny. I had used the self-service stations often before but this time I tried paying several times too early. I wasn’t at that stage yet. And then I did every possible thing wrong.
But I prevailed! Milestone reached.
It’s funny, every time I help someone who isn’t as tech-savvy they tell me how easy these things are for me. Yeah, right. Because I get it all right away, no problem. Says the woman who had to fumble around on her watch while squinting under the watchful eye of a supermarket employee for ten minutes. Sure. Easy. And not humbling at all.
Anyways, after that I went home, packed the groceries away, then waited for the boy because we wanted to do bodyweight training.
We did our training even though my stomach had been rather unhappy for hours, then I forced myself to take a much needed shower (I knew, if I waited until after dinner I’d never do it) and then I ate all the junk food. Note to self: you only think coated peanuts and candy will make you feel good but they never do.
Anyways. I briefly talked with my husband, forced the boy to do the dishes, started writing this post, did a brief session of Duolingo, made a list for today and went to bed.
Today will be the last day taking trains and rushing around for now. Or at least I hope so.
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