I had gone to bed almost on time and did most of my morning routine. This time my husband showed up right when I was about to get up, he had remembered that the heating was on in the living room and was afraid I would forget to turn it down when opening all the windows in the morning.
We had breakfast together after my long routine of morning pages, writing and yoga. The writing went pretty well for a change. We talked a lot which was nice. But then we were a little late for everything else. I did the dishes while listening to some Schubert for four hands, that was excellent.
By then I was very late for the supermarket run and had ti push some other errand to today.
I managed to time my bike ride to the supermarket perfectly so that I ran into masses of students getting out of school both on my way there and back again. Shopping itself went well and was completely unremarkable. On my way to the supermarket I had to wait for the green light when crossing a busy road twice. First I was stuck behind a car that had to let the pedestrians cross first, and then I had to wait for the same light to turn green so that I could cross myself. When I was making my way back, taking great care not to run over a student or two there was a young student on a bike before me. There were still half a dozen students walking in the direction of the supermarket there. The student on her bike and I were crossing the road, weaving between the students who were walking. The crossing is awful, there is a t-section with the short arm of the T consisting on two streets in parallel. So as a pedestrian (or someone on a bike) who wants to cross the road you first cross the big road and then the small one. There was a transporter coming from the long arm of the T who wanted to go left into the narrower of the two streets. The young girl on her bike was crossing the big road and then the small one. She had the right of way. The guy who drove the transporter had clearly not seen her, took the turn too fast and bumped into her.
My heart almost stopped, I was behind her, close enough to see everything. She was unharmed, by the way, and the driver was completely shaken. He asked her repeatedly if everything was okay.
She was all calm and happy until she realized what just had happened. Phew.
I went home, unpacked the groceries and told my husband the whole story and then realized I was almost crying. Not for long though.
Lunch was already on the table and for once the boy sat down at the table with us. We had polenta with beans:
After that I ate some chocolate and took a break. I only taught very few students with lots of breaks because the series of cancellations due to illness continues.
I finished teaching at 8, having eaten dinner before my last lesson of the day. Then I answered some messages, started writing this post, did Duolingo (I need to play for XP right now because I managed to get myself into an extremely cut-throat league this week, and I’d like to not lose my 79-week streak in the Diamond league. As silly as that is), and went to bed without watching anything because it was already too late.
Today will be a rather light teaching day and some housework and then the weekend.
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