I woke up from the alarm after only 5 1/2 hours of sleep and was pretty tired all day. No surprise there. I did my complete morning routine including measuring my blood pressure. It was a little higher than the last few times but still in normal range.
My daily yoga session was all about „toned arms“ which was no fun after attempting some form of pull-up the day before. So I just did what I could.
My husband and I talked after breakfast and while I had been pretty good with time until then I hit a very slow patch and that led to me being somewhat late. I still managed to wake the boy up almost on time and then go for a walk/run. The weather was really nice, frosty and sunny with a layer of snow everywhere.
It was also a bit icy and I have to confess I’m rather wary of slipping on ice. So last week when someone online mentioned Yaktrax and I had wanted to get some for ages I ordered a pair. Running in them was a bit uncomfortable and I have since learned that there are special ones for that but they cost way more and I only need them a handful of times per year.
I really liked it, though, and wasn’t afraid of slipping and falling.
I went back home, took a shower and then sat down for lunch an hour late:
Lots and lots of chicken breast with oven potatoes, peas and carrots and some water. The boy came down just after we finished and ate lunch while I was reading and then we ate the rest of the licorice.
And then it was time for teaching. My second student canceled and I used that time to look into some self publishing stuff, then taught the rest of my students, and after that I braved the darkness and cold to get yogurt and stuff from the health food store. When I came back home my husband was surprised at how heavy my backpack was. Well. Two kilos of yogurt, more than a liter of tomato puree, a glass of honey, two glasses of liverwurst, and four bottles of alcohol-free beer. And everything but the yogurt was in glass bottles or jars.
I even met someone at the store whom I hadn’t seen in ages. There was smalltalk before I trudged home again.
And then I finally could eat dinner, wrote a few messages, started writing this post, did Duolingo, made a list for today, watched some C-drama and went to bed.
Today there will be a 2 1/2 hour dentist appointment, hence the late grocery shopping. Not my favorite thing to do but then that doesn’t make me terribly unique.
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