Although that was not the only thing we bought.
I got up on time in the morning and did my complete morning routine all the way through. Then breakfast and the usual internet rounds before my husband showed up in kitchen all dressed and ready to leave the house while I was still sitting at the kitchen table with unbrushed teeth.
So he had to wait a bit while I got ready and then we took the train to the big city. We got off at Marienplatz and went right into the underground entrance to Ludwig Beck. My husband wanted a pair of jeans, maybe another pair of pants and to look around. He glommed onto the first pair of jeans he saw because he had bought a pair of extremely expensive Joop! Jeans in 2009 that he is still wearing. So he bought another pair. These won’t last as long because they have way more stretch to them but, well. It took three tries to get the right size but I have to say I’m always very jealous of my husband regarding finding pants that fit. I’d like to be able to just grab any pair. I once went to a specialized store for jeans and ended up with two sales women helping me and a pile of more than twenty pairs piled around me, none of them fitting properly.
He then went on to get a pair of chinos and a cotton sweater and we were left with more than an hour until it was time to meet our friend. We walked through the rest of the department store, I bought some overpriced licorice to try because I had been curious for ages. The sales person was very clever, handing me pieces to try and I ended up buying three jars of licorice to get one for free.
I have to say, it’s not bad as such but it mostly tastes sweet, not like proper licorice. I probably won’t buy it again. But I should really try to remember to go to the Netherlands for a better licorice selection for the next time I visit my mother.
We walked around Munich for a while, always weaving around the police cars and officers in every street and on every corner because of the big security conference nearby.
We were very early to meet our friend at the Augustiner. We talked and had typical Bavarian food. I almost laughed out loud when we started ordering drinks and all three of us went for the alcohol-free beer. That would never have happened in the past.
I had the pork roast (only one dumpling, sniff, and I gave half my meat to my husband), my husband the sabres Lüngerl (lung in sour sauce) and our friend the Leberkas with potato salad. We ate and talked and found that the friend and I hadn’t seen each other for about seven years, and then we decided to walk over to the big music store because our friend wanted to look at ukuleles.
Which we did, carefully avoiding the counter protests against the security conference this time by walking around the back. The shop had a nice selection of ukuleles and I could tell him about my experiences. I also looked at some sheet music but didn’t buy any because I wasn’t that convinced. I mean, I don’t need a book for guitar students that has just some lyrics and chords, I can get that just fine from my husband’s stash of songs he has transcribed or the internet.
When we went down to the train station again to get back home we found that the next trains on our line were more than 25 minutes late. Oops. My trusty app told me to get another train and change to a bus at some point. I don’t usually do this but this time it would take us home almost half an hour earlier so we went that route. Everything went fine and we came home to my husband’s new futon sitting in front of the annex door. It had been supposed to be delivered on Monday but while we were away I got a message that it was in delivery. I risked giving permission to leave it because I knew the boy would not be awake yet.
The boy came downstairs just as we were coming home and made himself something to eat.
I had only half an hour or so before it was time for my weekly writers meeting on Zoom. It was very nice and I crocheted and listened, and then I had to leave early again. The meeting had been at that point already where the moderator asked if anyone had any more questions and then someone started a whole new topic, and so I had to leave right in the middle of that because I wanted to watch ‚Columbo‘ with the rest of the family.
The episode had some funny moments but I’m not all that convinced about the actual murder part. It will be interesting to see how the writers handle that in the next episodes.
Dinner was half a bag of potato chips, some ice cream and some of the new licorice. I need to get back to finding Saturday evening snacks that my husband will enjoy as well, the last few choices were less than ideal.
After that I watched an episode of C-drama, spun and crocheted, skipped my foot exercises, talked with my husband and the boy briefly, succumbed to my craving for more licorice but managed to not go back for more after that and went to bed a little late.
So today is the day I will get all the rest I need for the whole week, plan the week and still get stuff done. Sure.
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