But again things did not go according to plan.
I went to bed way too late and skipped my morning routine yet again. I did read and ate breakfast alone in silence which is one of the great joys in life.
I talked with my husband about the friend he met on Monday while weaving in the last of the ends on clue 2 of the Mystery Shawl. I did dishes and forgot that I had agreed to cut my husband’s hair, then was reminded and finally did it. I went for a walk past noon. At that point it was way too hot outside but I went into the woods after 5 minutes and that was nice and cool.
I came back, folded some laundry and helped a little with making lunch. The boy even showed up. We had very tasty pasta with Hokkaido from out garden:
And then I sat there for some time. Two hours or so, reading and playing games and eating chocolate.
I mostly procrastinated the dishes but also taking a shower, looking at the blurb and practicing for rehearsal.
In the end the only thing I got done was starting Clue 3 of the mystery shawl. I ate dinner, did my singing warm-up and listened to two of the songs we decided to play.
Because we’re invited for grilled fish for dinner on Friday my husband wants to play music there.
We met at 7, had a lot of fun playing a few Bossas, a piece my husband wrote in Brazil, and a couple other things. I need to practice all of them again today and tomorrow but I have to say this was one of the most harmonious rehearsals ever. We both keep forgetting how much fun playing music together can be.
By then it was getting a little late. I made the executive decision to move showering and the dishes to today and listened to the thunderstorm outside while tidying the kitchen up. Oh, and when I mentioned to my husband that I needed to remember to change the lightbulb in the hallway he changed it right away.
I’m still waiting for that marvelous feeling of having days off and all the time in the world. Won’t come today as well, I think, because this will be a really busy day.
“I’m still waiting for that marvelous feeling of having days off and all the time in the world.”
Bei mir kommt dieses Gefühl nur auf, wenn ich alleine bin bzw. wenn mein Mann mal an einem Wochenendtag verabredet ist oder zum Dienstagabend-Brettspielen länger bei der Arbeit bleibt. Diese extra Stunden, die ich allein bin und die nicht mit normalen Alltagsdingen verplant sind, die geben mir genau dieses Gefühl … Ich denke, dass es bei dir ähnlich ist, denn solange dein Mann und dein Sohn weiterhin ihren normalen Rhythmus beibehalten (und du dich daran orientierst), fühlen sich auch deine Ferien wie Alltag an – nur etwas haltloser, weil es eben nicht Alltag ist und du nicht spontan die Dinge angehen kannst, die du dir eigentlich für die Ferien vorgenommen hattest.