I went to bed too late, woke up from the alarm, decided that I didn’t want the time crunch before breakfast and would do the morning routine after and that basically set the tone for the day.
Let’s see. One of the first things in the morning was my husband telling me that, oops, he forgot to tell me that I needed to make jam this weekend. Which made all my weekend plans topple right at the start. So I rearranged everything in my head including a way overpacked Saturday.
But first I managed to finish Clue 1 of the mystery shawl and wove all the ends in. (Sorry, no pictures, since it’s a mystery I’m not supposed to show them yet.)
Instead of cleaning and/or doing strength training I rode my bike to the supermarket in the scorching heat to buy jam-making sugar.
I came back, started the first load of laundry, had a spectacular fight with my husband who was going on and on about how much work he had and that he needed help and that no one is doing anything around here. He is unhappy with the way his mother is handling the transition to needing more help. She used to do about half of the yard work and they had a clear division of tasks but over the past few years she has done less and less – which is totally fine because she is getting rather old – but hasn’t talked about it with anyone. So now we just have certain areas that are overgrown and unkempt because my husband has his hands full with the grass and all his vegetable beds, I’m in over my head with inside stuff and now the boy should be stepping up but he is stressed out with uni things and also really hates working outside.
Just like my mother-in-law is just tacitly expecting the rest of the family to step in and take over without saying anything, my husband also is cranky that the boy and I don’t just see what needs to be done and take over. He also thinks that I don’t see what work is needed but, well, that is not true. I admit that I almost never go to the back of the garden where the compost lives but I am well aware of all the work that needs to be done at the front of the house.
Part of my energy drain is the constant voice in the back of my head murmuring, „Oh, we need to paint the facade, and well, I should really weed the part between the hedge and the sidewalk, oops, that patch over there is really overgrown, oh, and there are weeds here as well, and that bit of the wall is crumbling, oh, there is a ding in that wall that needs patching, I should really oil that sliding door and I have been meaning to clean that corner for years now…“ And on and on and on.
I am slowly getting around to take care of things, one small thing after the other but it might be too slow. Another part of me keeps wanting to clear three to four weeks during summer break where I just work all day long to get it all in order but that is extremely unrealistic.
Anyways, husband insisted on making Indian food, without my help because I was away, and was even almost on time despite having to start the dal twice. It turns out if you store a package of yellow lentils in the basement pantry and the packaging is paper instead of plastic you end up with – moldy lentils. And if you happen to just realize that after having put all the lentils in the put where you had already sautéed all the onions, garlic, ginger and condiments that might be a major throwback on an already crowded day.
So, lunch was not as relaxing or delicious as we would have preferred:
It is also the season of fried zucchini with everything but that did not make it on my plate for some reason.
To soothe myself I then proceeded to eat some pastry and chocolate and I played silly iPad games for a while. I did talk to the boy briefly.
At 3 my husband’s friend showed up. The two of them haven’t seen each other in years. We all really like him, he’s one of the most pleasant people I’ve ever met in my life.
By then it was so hot that the two of them stayed inside and sat in front of a fan with all the inside doors open. Which was one reason why I didn’t pull out the vacuum cleaner at this point.
I did hang up one load of laundry and started the second, did the dishes and watched the rest of a video for a course I’m taking that will be down by Monday.
I hung up the second load of laundry and started the third, helped my husband make frozen pizza and sat down for dinner. Since there were only three pizzas for four people the boy and I shared one. I made up the difference in calories with – more chocolate.
I did Duolingo and such, played more silly games, watched an episode of „Handsome Siblings“ and one of „Spy x Family“ and finally spun for 15 minutes while reading. This is before:
Fifteen minutes later the whole thing looked like this:
While spinning my hands felt a little uncomfortable but okay. Well, spoiler, this morning they did not feel okay at all. So I’m out, no Tour de Fleece this year.
By then it was already bedtime but I still did pull out the summer duvet and change the sheets and got my husband’s summer duvet and brought that over to the annex where he was watching soccer.
I then procrastinated taking a shower, finally made myself get wet around midnight, then had to wait a bit to air the place out to cool it down a bit and get the humidity down and went to bed at 12.30.
This morning I was adamant about doing my full morning routine including yoga. Still, I was super slow and ran out of time after morning pages. No idea why.
So this will be another super busy day. At least I hope so.