Since I’m writing this late on Thursday I won’t go into all the details. I definitely had a low energy day after the whirlwind that was Tuesday but I still needed to go grocery shopping for the week. Looking at the list I found that we only needed a few things so I walked to the nearer supermarket and did it on foot. It was raining all day, so that was fun too.
I woke the boy twice but he still missed his train and stayed home. I really hope he won’t follow the same pattern as the last few semesters where he just didn’t go to university at all but tried to study it all at home. So I’ll continue waking him at ungodly hours and shoving him out the door on time as much as I can.
Husband and I were both low on energy and therefore very prone to conflict. Lunch was easy and quick, potatoes, peas and carrots and bratwurst:
(Sorry, no alt text today because lack of time.)
Because of the conflict and the low energy I thought buying a bag of licorice and a pint of ice cream would be a good idea. You know, having a little treat. I ate all the licorice right after lunch and while it was delicious it sat in my stomach like lead all afternoon. I had a long break between students because all the elementary students had this performance thing at school and so I managed to finish the proofread. Finally!
Next up I need to make a list of things that need to be done next. Which includes a webinar about writing blurbs tonight.
After my last student the boy and I ate dinner in front of TV while watching the next episode of the „Dead Boy’s Detective Agency“ which was very good. And then I watched 1 1/2 episodes of C-drama while eating all of the ice cream. My husband was super nice and did all the dishes at some point in the afternoon.
I went to bed half an hour too late, didn’t sleep well and have been wide awake since 5. On the bright side I have read more than half of „You should be so lucky“ by Cat Sebastian. I am really loving it. After I finish it I need to return to the two book club books that are waiting for me to finish them as soon as possible.
Today should mostly be reading and sewing with a little housework thrown in. After two days of constant rain it is even looking sunny right now.
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