But there were Faschingskrapfen. Which – as I just learned – are called Berliner in English just as they are where I grew up in Northern Germany.
I did not get enough sleep, I did yoga and that was the most productive thing I did all day. Couldn’t bring myself to open the manuscript or write morning pages or do anything. In the end I gave up and let the dishes sit over night, did not take a shower, did not exercise, nada.
I did walk to the health food store, got said Krapfen, some chocolate, tea and ginger. Lunch was bratwurst, potatoes and green beans:
Don’t mind the water in the glass, my husband took the sieve-thingy off the faucet to decalcify it and so there’s a lot of minerals making the water cloudy.
The boy was back from his test just after lunch but decided to not eat. Because he wasn’t hungry. At 4 all three of us met for the carnival Berliner:
The Berliner don’t look like much, they were just stuffed into a bag and smooshed. Tasted okay, though. I sat around doing nothing all afternoon, taught one student, bullshitting my way through a new-to-me piece of music and explaining all kinds of things about chords, playing guitar and piano. Then I had dinner and then a glass of champagne because my husband decided that was needed to celebrate carnival:
Then the boy and I talked about something we found on Twitter, I started writing this post, looked at some more social media and went to bed.
Here’s to a better day today.
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