Yeah, somehow getting enough sleep seems to be even harder on weekends. I mean, I probably could stop setting an alarm but my days go much better if I have a bit of time to myself first thing in the morning.
I did manage yoga but not the rest of the morning routine because there was just too much to do. First there was cake for breakfast because of the boy’s birthday:
I called my mother on the phone like every Sunday where she reminded me not to wait too long to buy a Christmas tree for the third time and asked me if I even had decorations for it. The answer is yes, of course, we have a new tree stand and a full set of lights, balls and ornaments in the attic.
I had to hurry after that to do the breakfast dishes and start making spaetzle. When I came back to the kitchen the boy was up and eating breakfast. He unwrapped his presents, a set of Gundam models from my mother, a comic book from me, some fancy lebkuchen from my husband and the desk chair he already got.
I almost ruined the spaetzle dough by misreading the recipe and only putting half of the required flour in. I also found that while I had been sure I had bought everything I needed we were alarmingly short on flour and I had to use some spelt flour instead. Spaetzle making at the wood stove is very, very hot and takes a long time. I was very grateful for the leather apron I had gotten my husband at one point:
Lunch was very delicious kaspatz’n:
We had celebratory champagne. That champagne was part of the wine delivery from the day before, it’s made by the friend of a friend and very, very good.
After lunch I only took a rather short 15-minute break before the boy and I dove in doing the dishes and then making Christmas cookies. I totally forgot to take pictures of that. We did use up the last crumbs of spelt flour. Fortunately I had made the cookie dough the day before, unfortunately I had misread the recipe (I’m sensing a theme here) and put the powdered sugar that was meant to be put on the cookies after baking in the dough instead of the regular sugar. Which means they are a bit too sweet now.
The boy and I worked pretty well together, forming a kind of assembly line. We finished the cookies around 6.30 and by then the apartment was rather warm what with the wood stove all day and the constant baking all afternoon.
At one point in the morning I ripped back most of the second mitten I was knitting because I had made yet another error in the setup. Again.
The boy and I did all the many dishes that we had used for baking at one point, ate potato chips and ice cream while watching the third ‚Doctor Who‘-special, then I watched half an episode of C-drama, did some Duolingo somewhere in between and realized that while I had made myself some fruit tea in the morning I hadn’t actually drunk any of it which explained why I was feeling so droopy. Completely de-hydrated and champagne with lunch and beer with dinner didn’t really help with that.
I almost fell asleep around 9.30, then the boy came downstairs to tell me something and so I turned the lights out around 11.30 which is too late.
This morning went accordingly, I think I’ll give up on getting anything done. I am re-knitting the mitten, though, am thinking I might have the setup right now and also I might have an idea where I always go wrong.
If I manage to post the mittens by Wednesday they should arrive in time for Christmas, we’ll see. If I manage to finish them by tonight I might even wash them before posting them.
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