I actually went to bed at a reasonable time and woke up from my alarm around 6.30. Which was good. Then I briefly checked my email and saw Konstanze’s comment about my blog not showing up in feedreaders and that sent me for a spin. I tried focusing on the important stuff instead and telling myself I’d have enough time to deal with that issue later in the day but, well.
And I am perfectly aware that everybody says not to check email first thing but I’ve been doing it for years now, just a brief check on my watch and then I go about my day.
So I wrote morning pages, then decided to switch meditation and yoga around which meant I did meditate but not do yoga. Figures.
All the morning things were drawn out very, very long because it took so long to get the fire going and get water for tea boiling on the wood stove and then people went in and out and back into the kitchen again until my focus was shot. In between I managed to have a look at the blog, fully braced to have to overhaul everything and install a new theme but then I saw a plugin that was leading nowhere because the service it had been accessing doesn’t exist anymore. I turned that one off and lo and behold all the post landed in the feedreader again. Phew.
Husband was stressed out when cooking again and at one point was irritated that the box with the boy’s new desk chair was sitting right at the garden gate. With the implication that I should have done something about it. When in fact I was still waiting for the delivery, it said the time window was 2.30 to 3.30 and no one had rung the doorbell.
Well, see for yourself:
And that box was heavy enough that if no one had been home we wouldn’t have been able to open that gate from the outside. On the box it says „this side up“ and „keep dry“ and the side that is supposed to be up is on the right right now. I am very cross with the delivery person. I mean, I get that they’re in a hurry and that delivery is no fun in this weather but they could have rung the doorbell.
The box is heavy enough that I can’t lift it, so I basically tumbled it towards the house and up the front steps. And after lunch I made the boy help me get it upstairs. I made the mistake of being on the bottom of the stairs so that I didn’t need to go backwards but that meant I had to carry most of the weight. And the boy is not very experienced at getting heavy things around corners. My husband and I have done this dance many times up and down those same stairs but the boy was a bit confused when I told him to back into my mother-in-laws apartment and then into her bedroom so we could do a 3-point turn in her hallway.
Well, the stairs to the third floor (second floor for those of you who count in German) are not only narrow and super steep they also have a ton of small things hanging on the walls and stored on the outside of the steps. We almost got stuck and there was a point where the box was slipping out of both our hands while none of us had enough strength left to push it over the top step but with a desperate shove we got a corner over the edge. Phew.
The chair is my mother-in-law’s birthday and Christmas present for the boy. His old one is starting to lose screws right and left and it is creaking which means my poor mother-in-law often wakes up in the night just because he is sitting in his chair playing games.
Lunch was the result of my husband asking me what he should make. I started from „we haven’t had rice in a while“ and ended up at chicken, broccoli and rice:
Lunch was delicious but pretty late so I only had a very short break before teaching. One cancelation and I was done by five. I ate an early dinner, spent a lot of time on the internet, talked briefly to my husband, started writing this post, finally did the dishes, put away the laundry that I had folded before lunch, did Duolingo, watched C-drama and went to bed.
Today will be super busy with the supermarket run and an extra long teaching day.
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