Woke up early, lounged in bed but got up at a decent time because the boy had a video thing for school at 8.30 and needed his breakfast on time. It was almost like regular school. I finished the shawl I have been knitting:
Husband and I talked, there were dishes, I went to the pharmacy and got my new medication (fun!) and found out that it’s not to be taken at the same time as the anti-allergy medication I’m taking. So I guess I’ll skip the allergy pills for a week or so. Sniff.
Then I went running/walking:
Not as sunny as before and not as many people. Funny that.
I did save some of my energy and didn’t run as much. I was okay with that, though, because I knew I would need the energy later.
I didn’t even get to help with making lunch:
Unfortunately, the chicken was not done so I only have a bite or two from the outside. My husband cooked it some more but by the time it was finally good to eat I had already finished all the rice and beans. It will keep.
Then more dishes and I put on makeup and everything because I had that coaching call I have been blabbering about all week.
And it was fun! Very nice coach, great conversation, and I got a challenge for homework. You all know how much I love a challenge but this one will be a tough one. I do think that talk was rather helpful. Now I only need to take action. And we all know how easy that is for me.
Today my husband and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. A quarter of a century. Lots of love. Lots of fights. Phew.
Since we’ll both be teaching quite a bit we won’t be doing much today but there will be takeout for lunch and probably some champagne tonight.
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