I’d say that counts as a whim.
I had turned my alarm off because I went to bed too late and promptly woke at – six. So not quite sleeping in. I started my morning routine, got off the rails quickly and barely squeezed my breakfast in before my husband showed up. I crocheted and we talked and then I managed to start doing the dishes and get ready for running without waiting for the boy. Huh. I went running at the exact time that I had wanted to (which was an hour later than my ideal time because I do know myself) and ran/walked for 68 minutes. I did at times interrupt my running intervals with walking but I’d say I did okay. Here’s a picture of the halfway point:
Looks cozier than it is. Her’s a sweaty Susanne:
And this is what you see when you turn to the other side:
Coming back home I found that the tea infuser I had ordered had arrived six minutes before me. Apparently, the house was deserted (part from the boy who can’t hear the doorbell up in the attic) and so the mail person left it with a neighbor. So I turned around and got my package. And then I thought I had enough time to get the TV guide and run another short errand. Well, the nearby supermarket didn’t have the guide I wanted so I walked all the way back and to the other supermarket that is a bit farther away which resulted in my husband being in a rather bad mood when I came back because I was way late for helping with lunch. He did it all alone. And I got to take a shower before lunch. The food was great:
Bulgur, chickpeas, eggplant and feta, by the way.
Then I scrolled through social media for a bit but not before I had done all the dishes. (There weren’t many.) And then I started watching sessions of the Self Publishing Advice Conference while – wait for it – pulling out the sewing machine. I did finish those yoga pants I’ve been harping about for ages:
I showed them to my husband and he said, „They look like bespoke!“ Well, yeah, that is because I drafted that pattern following my measurements. Ha! Mind you, I haven’t put elastic in the waist band yet, I decided to just wait until I’ve slimmed down enough to actually need it and I also decided to not seam the legs. And there are threads sticking out everywhere because I unpicked all the seams and didn’t bother to pull the unpicked threads out. Bad sewist! But I have working pants for lounging about the house. Yes.
And then I started sewing the burgundy Plantain tee.
I started writing this post and then watched some Star Trek with the boy before writing a few more words on the novel and going to bed. On time for once.
Today there will be some light stretching, more sessions from the online conference and maybe some more sewing. We’ll see. And then we’re heading full steam into another week.
Die sehen super aus!