I woke up at 5.30 but was not happy about it, I felt the lack of sleep right away. I did meditate and write morning pages but isn’t manage to work on the novel. On the other hand I did open all the windows and made breakfast early. Next up I need to remember to open the basement windows in the morning as well because by the time my husband gets up it’s already getting too warm outside.
I also had totally forgotten how the heat always saps my energy. The kitchen only had 25 °C but still. I stopped knitting after half an hour because the yarn was starting to stick to my fingers. I did the breakfast dishes and got ready to run right away. Running through the woods was fine but on the fields it was already a little too hot for my taste:
My heart rate soared up to 190 beats per minute at a point, that was when I decided to walk until it was down again.
I came back home, took a shower and wanted to write a few words but again, no chance. A few minutes later the boy came home unexpectedly early. We had Brazilian food for lunch:
I did the dishes, read some more of the current novel, watched a few videos about writing, did a singing warm-up and some scales on the piano and taught my students (the studio, by the way, was at 29°C, not the best temperature for focusing on making music). After that it was still really, really hot. I started writing this post, found a cool and shady room in the house and read for a bit, read some more and went to bed. On time for a change.
Today I will take the bike trailer to the big supermarket and buy all the food. I also want to try my new microphone out and there will be teaching. It is supposed to be a tad cooler today, so there’s hope.
Ich habe an allen wichtigen Fenstern Fliegengitter und mache die nachts komplett auf. Durchzug bis morgen sum 6/7 und wir haben immer ca 20/21°C im Haus. Die Jalousien bleiben dann tagsüber fast ganz unten. Also an der Südseite… Aber du hast ja so ein großes Dachfenster im Büro, ne?
Das ist ja doof… Von einem Architekten!? Pft…. ?