This year marks ten years since I started blogging. I’m not quite sure if that’s a really long time or not. Ten years on the internet is rather long, isn’t it?
And when I think about how I started this when my son was three and now he is a full-blown teenager – yes, ten years is quite some time.
It is rather nice to have a place on the web that is mine, one where I can make the rules and do what I please. Of course that leads to a somewhat weird mixture of topics and also to a place where you can find an English-speaking blog and a German-speaking podcast.
Ten years ago there was almost no knitting and certainly no spinning, weaving or sewing in my life. Since beginning this blog I have gotten back to playing guitar, I have begun playing ukulele, and I’m still singing and playing the piano. The thing with the writing started the same year I started this blog. I know that because 2006 was the first time I did NaNoWriMo, my first very bad attempt at writing a novel.
I am certainly busy as ever with all the things I want to do in my life, and also all the things I need to do. But busy is good.
I’m sitting here in that quiet space between me getting up and the rest of the family rolling out of bed. It is carnival break, so I’m the only one who got up at seven. I think that might be my very favorite time of day, when I have had breakfast, and am now enjoying that bit of time and space to myself.
Getting the writing done first thing in the morning (after breakfast) is very important because it is pretty hard to fit it in elsewhere. For writing – even if it is a blog post – you need to hear yourself think, and that’s not all that easy in the hustle of everyday life.
Of course there are people who write in the evenings, and sometimes I like doing that as well, but it’s much better to do it right away in the morning. Because no matter what happens the rest of the day there’s one thing I’ve already done.
So today I will go to Munich and meet a friend whom I haven’t seen in months, and I’m really looking forward to it.
But before I go I wanted to say hello, and say thank you that you are reading here, and occasionally leave a comment, and give me the feeling I’m not all alone with the things that go round in my head.
So I’m pretty curious to see where the blog will go in the future, for now I raise my tea mug to ten years and still going strong.
Congratulations on this anniversary!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ich glaube, ich mag es besonders gern, wenn ich bei “älteren” Blogs die Entwicklung der Blogger verfolgen kann. Die Themenschwerpunkte ändern sich, aber der Grundton und die Person hinter den Blog bleiben vertraut. Ich finde das schön (und kann nicht verstehen, warum einige Blogger ständig ihre alten Blogs löschen und neue aufmachen, aber das ist ein anderes Thema …) und hoffe, du hast noch lange Spaß am Bloggen – egal, wie häufig du dazu kommst. 😉
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Bloggeburtstag und auch zu Deinen neuen Gewohnheiten, von denen ich gerade im anderen Post gelesen habe. Ich finde es immer wieder schön, von Dir zu lesen oder zu hören.
Mach weiter so!
Liebe Grüße,
Hi – ten years is an eternity in the Internet. Glad you are doing well. Think of you often.