I have said it often, that I don’t like summer break but I’m still looking forward to it every year. After a whole school year of teaching, and especially after a rather stressful July, a few weeks off seem like a very good idea.
Of course I am making plans. Too many for sure, because like every year the conflict between resting and recuperating, and doing all the things I didn’t get to do during the school year is huge.
If this goes like all summer breaks before I will completely stop doing anything for a week or two, then feel really bad about myself, and have a very angry husband who has been doing all the housework for that time.
So what we need is a plan. Each of us has an agenda for these weeks off, even if our son’s plan is mostly to play computer games as much as possible, and otherwise lay around in the hammock reading and listening to the radio.
My husband wants to do a lot of things in the garden, play guitar, repair the amp he is working on, and lay in the hammock, and I want to clear out our son’s room, and de-clutter my studio and the bedroom. Without driving myself crazy. I also want to revise the novel I’ve been working on, set up a new blog and a homepage for our teaching, and play the piano and ukulele. Also exercise six days a week. And spend hours each day in front of the computer surfing the web, and read loads of books. And sleep nine hours straight each night.
So it seems I need a very good plan, and maybe we should sit down as a family, and try to find a way to make our plans for summer break mesh. So that we all get what we want from our time off school.Oh, and not to forget that I want our son to play the piano every day, and to look at everything he learned in Latin during the school year.
Of course we also plan to go bike riding, and swimming, and sightseeing but then the weather usually turns bad when August comes around so I don’t have high hopes of that.
I guess for most of you summer break is almost over already, so what did you do?